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Merge pull request #21 from luwang00/f/Hydro_SeaState_PR1008
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Bug Fix: HD driver not reading the PRP motion input file correctly and missing variable declaration in the MD driver
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bjonkman authored May 4, 2023
2 parents 886ef97 + 3b3a092 commit 48672c2
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 15 deletions.
182 changes: 168 additions & 14 deletions modules/hydrodyn/src/HydroDyn_DriverSubs.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ReadPRPInputsFile( drvrData, ErrStat, ErrMsg )
character(ErrMsgLen) :: errMsg2 ! temporary error message
character(*), parameter :: RoutineName = 'ReadDriverInputFile'
real(ReKi), allocatable :: TmpAry(:)

integer(IntKi) :: NumDataLines, numHeaderLines

! Initialize the echo file unit to -1 which is the default to prevent echoing, we will alter this based on user input
UnEchoLocal = -1
Expand All @@ -353,30 +353,30 @@ SUBROUTINE ReadPRPInputsFile( drvrData, ErrStat, ErrMsg )


CALL AllocAry(TmpAry, sizeAry, 'TmpAry', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return
CALL AllocAry(drvrData%PRPin, drvrData%NSteps, sizeAry-1, 'PRPin', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return
CALL AllocAry(drvrData%PRPinTime, drvrData%NSteps, 'PRPinTime', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return

! Open the (PRP or WAMIT) inputs data file
CALL GetNewUnit( UnIn )
CALL OpenFInpFile ( UnIn, trim(drvrData%PRPInputsFile), ErrStat2, ErrMsg2 )
if (Failed()) return

! Determine how many lines of data (how many time steps) are in the PRP input file
CALL GetFileLength(UnIn, trim(drvrData%PRPInputsFile), sizeAry, NumDataLines, NumHeaderLines, ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return
CALL AllocAry(TmpAry, sizeAry, 'TmpAry', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return
CALL AllocAry(drvrData%PRPin, NumDataLines, sizeAry-1, 'PRPin', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return
CALL AllocAry(drvrData%PRPinTime, NumDataLines, 'PRPinTime', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
if (Failed()) return

!seems like it would be more efficient to switch the indices on drvrData%PRPin
DO n = 1,drvrData%NSteps
DO n = 1,NumDataLines
CALL ReadAry ( UnIn, drvrData%PRPInputsFile, TmpAry, sizeAry, 'Line', 'drvrData%PRPin', ErrStat2, ErrMsg2, UnEchoLocal )
drvrData%PRPin(n,:) = TmpAry(2:sizeAry)
drvrData%PRPinTime(n) = TmpAry(1)
if (Failed()) return

call Cleanup()

Expand All @@ -394,7 +394,161 @@ subroutine Cleanup()
IF ( UnEchoLocal > 0 ) CLOSE( UnEchoLocal )
end subroutine Cleanup

SUBROUTINE GetFileLength(UnitDataFile, Filename, NumDataColumns, NumDataLines, NumHeaderLines, ErrStat, ErrMsg)


! Passed variables
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT(IN ) :: UnitDataFile !< Unit number of the file we are looking at.
CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN ) :: Filename !< The name of the file we are looking at.
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: NumDataColumns !< The number of columns in the data file.
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: NumDataLines !< Number of lines containing data
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: NumHeaderLines !< Number of header lines at the start of the file
CHARACTER(*), INTENT( OUT) :: ErrMsg !< Error Message to return (empty if all good)
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: ErrStat !< Status flag if there were any problems (ErrID_None if all good)

! Local Variables
CHARACTER(2048) :: ErrMsgTmp !< Temporary message variable. Used in calls.
INTEGER(IntKi) :: ErrStatTmp !< Temporary error status. Used in calls.
INTEGER(IntKi) :: LclErrStat !< Temporary error status. Used locally to indicate when we have reached the end of the file.
INTEGER(IntKi) :: TmpIOErrStat !< Temporary error status for the internal read of the first word to a real number
LOGICAL :: IsRealNum !< Flag indicating if the first word on the line was a real number

CHARACTER(MaxFileInfoLineLen*4) :: TextLine !< One line of text read from the file
INTEGER(IntKi) :: LineLen !< The length of the line read in
CHARACTER(MaxFileInfoLineLen) :: StrRead !< String containing the first word read in
REAL(SiKi) :: RealRead !< Returns value of the number (if there was one), or NaN (as set by NWTC_Num) if there wasn't
CHARACTER(24) :: Words(20) !< Array of words we extract from a line. We shouldn't have more than 20.
INTEGER(IntKi) :: i !< simple integer counter
INTEGER(IntKi) :: LineNumber !< the line I am on
LOGICAL :: LineHasText !< Flag indicating if the line I just read has text. If so, it is a header line.
LOGICAL :: HaveReadData !< Flag indicating if I have started reading data.
INTEGER(IntKi) :: NumWords !< Number of words on a line
INTEGER(IntKi) :: FirstDataLineNum !< Line number of the first row of data in the file
CHARACTER(*), PARAMETER :: RoutineName = 'GetFileLength'

! Initialize the error handling
ErrStat = ErrID_None
ErrStatTmp = ErrID_None
LclErrStat = ErrID_None
ErrMsg = ''
ErrMsgTmp = ''

! Set some of the flags and counters
HaveReadData = .FALSE.
NumDataColumns = 0
NumHeaderLines = 0
NumDataLines = 0
LineNumber = 0

! Just in case we were handed a file that we are part way through reading (should never be true), rewind to the start
REWIND( UnitDataFile )

!> The variable LclErrStat is used to indicate when we have reached the end of the file or had an error from
!! ReadLine. Until that occurs, we read each line, and decide if it contained any non-numeric data. The
!! first group of lines containing non-numeric data is considered the header. The first line of all numeric
!! data is considered the start of the data section. Any non-numeric containing found within the data section
!! will be considered as an invalid file format at which point we will return a fatal error from this routine.

DO WHILE ( LclErrStat == ErrID_None )

!> Reset the indicator flag for the non-numeric content
LineHasText = .FALSE.

!> Read in a single line from the file
CALL ReadLine( UnitDataFile, '', TextLine, LineLen, LclErrStat )

!> If there was an error in reading the file, then exit.
!! Possible causes: reading beyond end of file in which case we are done so don't process it.
IF ( LclErrStat /= ErrID_None ) EXIT

!> Increment the line counter.
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1

!> Read all the words on the line into the array called 'Words'. Only the first words will be encountered
!! will be stored. The others are empty (i.e. only three words on the line, so the remaining 17 are empty).
CALL GetWords( TextLine, Words, SIZE(Words), NumWords )

!> Now cycle through the first 'NumWords' of non-empty values stored in 'Words'. Words should contain
!! everything that is on the line. The subroutine ReadRealNumberFromString will set a flag 'IsRealNum'
!! when the value in Words(i) can be read as a real(SiKi). 'StrRead' will contain the string equivalent.
DO i=1,NumWords
CALL ReadRealNumberFromString( Words(i), RealRead, StrRead, IsRealNum, ErrStatTmp, ErrMsgTmp, TmpIOErrStat )
IF ( .NOT. IsRealNum) THEN
LineHasText = .TRUE.

!> If all the words on that line had no text in them, then it must have been a line of data.
!! If not, then we have either a header line, which is ok, or a line containing text in the middle of the
!! the data section, which is not good (the flag HaveReadData tells us which case this is).
IF ( LineHasText ) THEN
IF ( HaveReadData ) THEN ! Uh oh, we have already read a line of data before now, so there is a problem
CALL SetErrStat( ErrID_Fatal, ' Found text on line '//TRIM(Num2LStr(LineNumber))//' of '//TRIM(FileName)// &
' when real numbers were expected. There may be a problem with the file.', ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
IF ( ErrStat >= AbortErrLev ) THEN
NumHeaderLines = NumHeaderLines + 1
ELSE ! No text, must be data line
NumDataLines = NumDataLines + 1
! If this is the first row of data, then store the number of words that were on the line
IF ( .NOT. HaveReadData ) THEN
! If this is the first line of data, keep some relevant info about it and the number of columns in it
HaveReadData = .TRUE.
FirstDataLineNum = LineNumber ! Keep the line number of the first row of data (for error reporting)
NumDataColumns = NumWords
! Make sure that the number columns on the row matches the number of columnns on the first row of data.
IF ( NumWords /= NumDataColumns ) THEN
CALL SetErrStat( ErrID_Fatal, ' Error in data file: '//TRIM(Filename)//'.'// &
' The number of data columns on line '//TRIM(Num2LStr(LineNumber))// &
'('//TRIM(Num2LStr(NumWords))//' columns) is different than the number of columns on first row of data '// &
' (line: '//TRIM(Num2LStr(FirstDataLineNum))//', '//TRIM(Num2LStr(NumDataColumns))//' columns).', &
ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
IF ( ErrStat >= AbortErrLev ) THEN
REWIND( UnitDataFile )

SUBROUTINE ReadRealNumberFromString(StringToParse, ValueRead, StrRead, IsRealNum, ErrStat, ErrMsg, IOErrStat)

CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN ) :: StringToParse !< The string we were handed.
REAL(SiKi), INTENT( OUT) :: ValueRead !< The variable being read. Returns as NaN (library defined) if not a Real.
CHARACTER(*), INTENT( OUT) :: StrRead !< A string containing what was read from the ReadNum routine.
LOGICAL, INTENT( OUT) :: IsRealNum !< Flag indicating if we successfully read a Real
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: ErrStat !< ErrID level returned from ReadNum
CHARACTER(*), INTENT( OUT) :: ErrMsg !< Error message including message from ReadNum
INTEGER(IntKi), INTENT( OUT) :: IOErrStat !< Error status from the internal read. Useful for diagnostics.

! Initialize some things
ErrStat = ErrID_None
ErrMsg = ''

! ReadNum returns a string contained in StrRead. So, we now try to do an internal read to VarRead and then trap errors.
READ(StringToParse,*,IOSTAT=IOErrStat) StrRead
READ(StringToParse,*,IOSTAT=IOErrStat) ValueRead

! If IOErrStat==0, then we have a real number, anything else is a problem.
IF (IOErrStat==0) THEN
IsRealNum = .TRUE.
IsRealNum = .FALSE.
ValueRead = NaN ! This is NaN as defined in the NWTC_Num.
ErrMsg = 'Not a real number. '//TRIM(ErrMsg)//NewLine
ErrSTat = ErrID_Severe

END SUBROUTINE ReadRealNumberFromString

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/moordyn/src/MoorDyn_Driver.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PROGRAM MoorDyn_Driver
TYPE(MD_Drvr_InitInput) :: drvrInitInp ! Initialization data for the driver program
INTEGER :: UnIn ! Unit number for the input file
INTEGER :: UnEcho ! The local unit number for this module's echo file

INTEGER :: UnPtfmMotIn

TYPE (MD_InitInputType) :: MD_InitInp
TYPE (MD_ParameterType) :: MD_p
Expand Down

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