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Available syntaxes, along with the ECMAScript translation as last item, are shown here:
// single argument
\x -> x + 3;
\(x) -> x + 3;
function \x -> x + 3;
function(x) { return x + 3; };
// multiple arguments, commas are optional
\x y -> x + y;
\x, y -> x + y;
\(x, y) -> x + y;
function(x, y) { return x + y; };
// function body
\x y -> {
var z = x + 10;
return z + y;
function \x, y -> {
var z = x + 10;
return z + y;
function(x, y) {
var z = x + 10
return z + y;
// No Arguments
\ -> 3;
\() -> 3;
function \ -> 3;
function() { return 3; };
// Return empty object literal
\() -> ({});
// Right associativity
\x -> \y -> x + y;
function(x) { return function(y) { return x + y; }; };
// Named function expression
function f \x -> (x < 10 ? f(x + 1) : x);
function f \x -> { return (x < 10 ? f(x + 1) : x); };
function f (x) { return (x < 10 ? f(x + 1) : x); };
All scoping remains the same as in the translated version.
Khepri remove the this
expression (this
is still a keyword) in favor of using
explicit this
bindings. The last element of an arguments pattern can optional be
a this
unpack of the form = ID_PATTERN
\x =self-> self.z + x;
function(x) { return this.z + x; };
The fat arrow ensures that you always explicitly state what this
you are using:
var Obj = function\ x =self-> { self.x = x; };
Obj.prototype.getXGetter = \=self-> \() -> self.x;
new Obj(3).getXGetter()(); // 3 in khepri
// ECMAScript normally would be:
var Obj = function(x) { this.x = x; };
Obj.prototype.getXGetter = function() { return function() { return this.x; }; };
new Obj(3).getXGetter()(); // undefined since uses `this` of inner function.
Khepri allows writing more concise expressions with a pattern syntax to unpack values into into multiple identifiers. Patterns may be used in function parameter lists, let expressions, and with expressions.
Unpack patterns effect the behavior of the generated code and have nothing to do with pattern matching. All effects happen at runtime.
Comma separators are optional in all patterns.
Same as ECMAScript. Binds argument at position to name for function body.
(\a b c -> [a, b, c])(1, 2); // [1,2,undefined]
(\a, b, c -> [a, b, c])(1, 2); // [1,2,undefined]
Currently used only for annotation to represent a variable number of arguments. It should only be used as the last pattern in a parameter list as future use of Ellipsis may change but will not effect this use.
var l = \a, ... -> [a, arguments];
Performs a runtime unpacking of a parameter. Identifiers are bound to the unpacked value of the paramter a the given index.
var first = \[x] -> x;
var first = \arr -> arr[0];
var add = \[x y] -> x + y;
var add = \[x, y] -> x + y;
var add = \arr -> arr[0] + arr[1];
No type checks are performed so it is possible to pass in array like objects or invalid objects:
var first = \[x] -> x;
first("abc"); // a
first({'0': 10, '1': 2}); // 10
first(null); // error, accessing null[0]
Patterns can be arbitrarily nested:
var dot2 = \[[a, b], [x, y]] -> a * x + b * y;
dot2([[1, 2], [3, 4]]); // 11
var dot2 = \arr -> arr[0][0] + arr[1][0] + arr[0][1] + arr[1][1];
Object patterns generalize array pattern for use with any string keys. Identifiers are bound to the unpacked value of the paramter's member given name at runtime.
var swapAB = \{'a': a, 'b': b} -> ({'a': b, 'b': a});
var swapAB = \obj -> ({'a': obj['b'], 'b': obj['a']});
swapAB({'a': 3, 'b': 5}); // {'a': 5, 'b': 3};
Object patterns can be nested:
var nested = \{'c': [x, {'value': y}]} -> x + y;
As shorthand, properties that have names that are valid identifiers can be unpacked directly by using the identifier as the key to unpack:
\{x, y}-> x + y;
var swapAB = \{a, b} -> ({'a': b, 'b': a});
The as pattern unpacks a value to an identifier and then unpacks the value again
with another pattern. This is similar to Haskell's @
. It can be used in any
other pattern.
var dup = \arr#[x ...] -> [x, arr];
dup([1, [2]]); //[1, [1, [2]]];
Used as a top level in an object pattern, the as pattern specifies the key to unpack:
var dup = \{x#{y}} -> y;
// is short for;
var dup = \{'x': {y}} -> y;
The arguments pattern is used to unpack the arguments object in functions.
Two forms exist, explicit which allows access to the underlying arguments object
and implicit which only allows the individual arguments to be accessed.
The arguments
magic identifier is no longer valid and this is the only way to
access the arguments.
Implicit form is a list (optionally comma separated) of zero or more patterns. Each pattern unpacks the argument value at its index.
var f = \x y {z} -> x + y + z;
f(1, 3, {'z': 5}); // 9
Explicit form adds an optional unpack for the arguments object itself. It is an optional identifier pattern followed by a parenthesized comma separated list of patterns for the individual argument unpacks.
var f = \args(...) -> args.length;
f(1, 2); // 2;
f(1, 2, 3, 4); // 4
Let expressions bind variables in a expression:
// Id Let Expression
let a = 3 in a;
(\a -> a)(3);
Let expressions have higher precedence than conditional expressions and are right associative:
// Multiple let expressions
let a = 3 in let b = 4 in a + b;
(\a -> (\b -> a + b)(4))(3);
Multiple values can be bound in a single let expression. Bound values are evaluated left to right and previously bound values can be used in the current binding:
// These are the same
let a = 3, b = 5 in a + b;
let a = 3 in let b = 5 in a + b;
// Using an existing binding.
let a = 3, b = a + 10 in a + b;
let a = 3 in let b = a + 10 in a + b;
Let expressions capture as much as possible to their right. This can be limited by wrapping the entire expression in parentheses:
// Capturing everything to right
4 * let a = 2 in a + 3;
4 * (let a = 2 in a + 3); // 20
4 * (2 + 3);
// Limiting capture
4 * (let a = 2 in a) + 3;
4 * 2 + 3; // 11
The bound value will only be evaluated once no matter how many times it is used. Bindings hide existing bindings for the duration of the expression and let expressions bindings can hide one another. Use of let expression bindings outside of the expression is not valid.
// Hiding let expressions
// Here the bound value for the inner a is resolved against the existing binding
// for a, 3 in this case.
let a = 3 in let a = a in a * a;
(\a -> (\a -> a * a)(a))(3);
Anonymous functions bound in let expressions can access themselves by bound name in the function body:
let fib = \x -> (x < 2 ? x : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)) in
Named functions can also access themselves by function name. The scope of the function name is limited to the evaluation of the bound value.
let fib = function impl \x -> (x < 2 ? x : impl(x - 1) + impl(x - 2)) in
let expressions may also use any pattern on their left hand side:
o#{x, y} = {'a': 3, 'x': 6, 'z': 5, 'y': 8},
[first] = [1,2, 3]
first + y + x + o.a; // 18
The with
statement has been modified to behave like a statement level let
expression. The syntax is:
is a list of let style bindings and STATEMENTS
is zero or more
other statements.
with x = 10, y = 5 in {
if (x > y)
reutrn x;
return y;
Unlike the let
statement, with
statements can contain flow control statements
like return
, throw
, break
, and continue
Like let
, all bindings are immutable and only valid inside of the body.
Khepri introduces a syntax for packages. Code for different package management systems may be generated from the base package syntax.
A program may either be a regular program or a package. New packages are simple declared:
package (EXPORTS) { BODY }
EXPORTS is a list of symbols the package exports from BODY. For a math package,
exporting two symbols min
and max
package (min max)
min = \x, y -> (x < y ? x : y);
max = \x, y -> (x < y ? y : x);
The export name is the name other packages use to access the symbol. Order of exports does not matter, but the exports must be unique. Exports create local variables for that export in the package body. The value for the exported symbol is taken from the symbols value at the end of the package body.
Packages may also import other packages.
package () with
The path is a string path to the module to import. OBJECT_PATTERN is an object pattern used to unpack the import locally. This can unpack just specific symbols or bind the entire import to a name.
For example, importing two packages:
package () with
import 'lib/math' math#{min, max},
import 'lib/str' {match, search}
Inside the package body, math
is bound the entire math package. min
and max
are bound to the min and max exports of the math package. Because we named the entire
math package as math
, we could also write math.min
or math.abs
to access
members. str
on the other hand does not name its package but imports two
symbols, match
and search
. The package cannot be directly accessed but
these two values can be.
Imported names are immutable bindings in the package body. All packages
reserve the names require
, exports
, module
as immutable bindings before
any of the package is evaluated. All packages also use strict mode.
In place of sequence expressions, parenthesized comma separated expressions are used to curry functions. Their current use to group a subexpression remains unchanged as a parenthesized expression with only a single expression just returns the value of that expression.
var add = \x y -> x + y;
var add10 = (add, 10);
add10(3); // 13
add10("abc"); "10abc";
Select unary, binary, and ternary operators can also be converted to regular functions using the curry syntax:
var binary = \op x y -> op(x, y);
var add = (binary, (+));
add(2, 5); // 7
Logical and conditional expressions may be converted but the converted form will eagerly evaluate all arguments.
var args = \args(...) -> args;
var foldl = \f z x -> Array.prototype.reduce.call(x, f, z);
// Function that sums its arguments
var add = args \> (foldl, (+), 0);
add(); // 0;
add(3); // 3
add(3, 10, 5); // 18
The this
binding of a function cannot be changed using the curry operator.
Use Function.prototype.bind
for this.
The \>
and \>>
operators composes two functions into a new function. Using
the \>
operator, the resulting function takes a single argument while the result
of the \>>
takes an arbitrary number of arguments.
var (\>) = \f, g -> \x -> g(f(x));
var (\>>) = \g, g -> \args(...) -> g(f.apply(null, args));
Both compose functions like F#'s >>
operator but the opposite of Haskell's .
The composition operators are left associative and have lower precedence than the conditional expression. They two compose operators have the same precedence, and also have the same precedence as the reverse composition operators. It has higher precedence than the pipe operator.
var f = \x -> x + 10,
g = \x -> x / 2;
(g \> f)(4); // 12
(f \> g)(4); // 7
(g \> g \> f)(4); // (g \> (g \> f))(4) // 11
(g \> f \> f)(4); // 22
// Will evaluate all unary, new, member, and call expressions before composing
var o = {'f': f, 'g': g};
(o.g \> o.f)(5); // 11
The <\
and <<\
operators behave the same as the corresponding regular
composition operators with their arguments flipped:
var (<\) = \f, g -> \x -> f(g(x));
var (<\) = \g, g -> \args(...) -> f(g.apply(null, args));
They are right associative. All composition operators have the same precedence:
var f = \x -> x + 10,
g = \x -> x / 2;
(f <\ g)(10); // 15
(f <\ f <\ g)(10); // (f <\ (f <\ g))(10); // 25
(f <\ g \> f)(10); // ((f <\ g) \> f)(10); // 25
(f \> g <\ f)(10); // ((f \> g) <\ f)(10); // g(f(f(10))) // 15
The |>
operator applies a function on the right to input on the left.
var (|>) = \x, f -> f(x);
The |>
is left associative and has lower precedence than the conditional and
compose expressions.
The pipe operator is useful for chaining multiple functions together in a more readable way.
var f = \x -> x + 10,
g = \x -> x / 2;
// Basic
10 |> g; // 5
// Lower precedence than other binary ops
6 + 10 |> g; // (6 + 10) |> g; // 8
// Left associative
10 |> f |> g; // (10 |> f) |> g; // 10
// Lower precedence than compose
10 |> g \> f; // 10 |> (g \> f) // 15
// Higher precedence than logical ops
(0 |> g) ? 10 |> f : 5 |> f // (0 |> g) ? (10 |> f) : (5 |> f); // 15
The <|
operator behaves the same as the pipe operator with its arguments flipped:
var (<|) = \f, x -> f(x);
This is the same as a normal function call, but the reverse pipe operator allows the parenthesis to be removed, which may be clearer in certain situations.
The reverse pipe is right associative and has equal precedence as the regular pipe operator:
var f = \x -> x + 10,
g = \x -> x / 2;
g |> 10; // 5
f |> g |> 10; // g |> (g |> 10); // f(g(10)); // 15
f <| 10 |> g; // g(f(10)); // 10
Assignment is generally dangerous and allowing arbitrary assignments in expressions can make code difficult to reason about. However, without fundamental changes to the entire language, we need assignment. Therefore, Khepri restricts assignment and deletion to top level statements. The left hand side of assignment and delete expressions must be either an identifier or a member expression.
In a statement, any expression may either be a normal expression or either an assignment or delete expression:
var a = {'x': 4};
a.x = 34; // valid since used as statement
a = {}; // also valid
if (a = {}) {} // also valid
b = a = 4; // error, assignment used in expression
3 = 4; // error, as lhs not identifier or member expression
The default clause in a switch statement remains optional, but must be the last clause in the switch statement.
Like JSON, object literal keys must be strings. ECMAScript normally allows number and identifier key values as well.
Backticks are used to mark the start and the end of regular expressions instead of slashes. This eliminates the need for having two top level elements in the grammar.
Javascript's scoping rules are inconsistent with its C inspired syntax. Some programmers advocate making this inconsistency clear by explicitly declaring variables at the start of their scope. Another issue is Javascript's handling of globals and undeclared variables.
Khepri introduces static checks that enforce lexical scoping based on blocks and functions. Further checks also enforce that all variables are declared before use and that global variables are explicitly listed before use. Khepri also disallows symbol redefinition. The concept of an immutable binding is added for values that cannot be directly assigned. All bindings except those from variable declarations are immutable.
Three elements introduce new a new scope: the program, the function body, and the block statement. Variables are only valid inside the scope in which they are declared as well as any enclosed scopes. A variable with the same name as one in an outer scope hides the outer bindings.
// Annotated to show which variables are in scope
// a, b
var a = 10;
var b;
if (a > 0)
{ // a, b, g, f
var g = 100;
var f -> \a -> { var z = 13; return a - g; } // a, b, g, f, a, z
b = f(3);
Variables declarations are evaluated in order, and only previously declared variables can be used. This is a restriction of Javascript where declarations are evaluated first and variables bound to undefined before statements are evaluated:
var h = "hello";
var message = h + " " + w; // error, w used before declared.
var w = "world";
Implicit blocks also introduce a new scope, such as if or for statements without brackets:
var h = "hello";
if (h)
var w = "world";
var message = h + " " + w; // error, w used outside of implicit if block.
Duplicate variables in the same scope are disallowed:
var b = 3;
var c = b;
var b = c; // Error, b already declared.
Similarly, duplicate parameter names and let bindings in the same scope are disallowed:
\x, y, x -> x + y; // error, x defined twice.
let x = 3, y = x + 10, x = y - 3 in x; // error, x defined twice.
Only variables from variable declarations has mutable bindings, meaning they can be reassigned. Those from static declarations, catch clauses, function parameters, and let bindings are immutable cannot be reassigned.
var a = 4;
a = 10; // ok;
static g;
g = 323; // Error, g is immutable
var f = \x -> { var x = 3; return x + 1; }; // error, x is immutable in scope
var f = \x -> { { var x = 3; return x + 1; } }; // ok, new scope
Globals can used by declaring them with the 'static' keyword. 'static' is already a reserved work in ECMAScript 5.1. By default, builtin object globals are already declared, but this does not include any DOM objects. 'static' only suppresses checks on the global variables, it does not effect the behavior of the program.
static define; // tell the interpreter to expect a global called 'define'
define([], function() {
var props = {'x': {'value': 3}};
return Object.keys({}, props); // 'Object' builtin ok even without explicit static.
Use of a global can also be restricted to a block. This may help make intent clearer but does not change the meaning of the actual program
var a = \x -> {
static $;
return $('<div></div>');
All numeric literals must begin with a digit. Literals like .5
that are valid numbers in
ECMAScript are not supported.
Use fat arrow this unpacks.
Function declarations are not necessary. Use function expressions instead.
The get
and set
syntax in object literals is not supported.
should be used instead.
Comma separated sequences of expressions are not allowed. An expressions must be a single expression. The syntax is reused for curry expressions.
ECMAScript style with (OBJECT) BODY
expressions are not supported. The with
statement has been repurposed to behave like a statement level let binding.
Make language more ambiguous.
Semicolon insertion is not supported and whitespace is no longer significant. Real semicolons must always be used.
// Khepri will ignore whitespace and not insert semicolons
var z = \x, y -> {
x + y;
var z = function(x, y) { return x + y; };
Array literals do not support empty elements or a trailing comma. Use an explicit undefined value instead.
Object literals may not have a trailing comma.
The in operator is not supported, but 'in' remains a reserved word and is used in let expressions
Since the 'in' operator is not supported, for in statements are also not supported. Other solutions usually exist, such as 'forEach'.
Where mutable state must be used, make it more explicit. Additionally, '++' and '--' are no longer valid punctuators and will be lexed to '+' '+' and '-' '-'.