Project is no longer maintained. Please reach out to @mattcan if you would like to take ownership.
Gitit is a plugin for gEdit that works similarily to msysgit with Visual Studio. Instead of creating the functionality of git-gui and gitk in gEdit, Gitit simply calls those tools. They do a good job working with git and this plugin makes the functionality more accessible than running those tools from the External Tools plugin.
You will need to download the following software for Gitit to run.
- gitk
- git-gui
In Ubuntu, simply run the following command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui
Gitit is still under development and is lacking most of the features required for a proper git plugin to function.
Commit runs git-gui which has the power to do your adds at the same time as you put together your commit message. There is also a window that loads the diff for each file listed.