Awesome | Projects | Updated |
January 15, 2018 |
Please take a quick look at the contribution guidelines first. If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you to all contributors; you rock!!
A collection of interesting Kotlin guides.
- From Java to Kotlin - Cheat Sheet For Java to Kotlin.
- Kotlin examples - A collection of examples of kotlin usage by JetBrains.
- Kotlin Guide - An interesting guide to approach Kotlin by Thorsten Schleinzer.
- Official Kotlin - The official Kotlin website with plenty resources to learn this language.
Community where talk about Kotlin and share informations.
- Kotlin Forum - The official Kotlin Forum.
- Kotlin on Linkedin - The official Kotlin LinkedIn channel.
- Kotlin on Reddit - The official Kotlin Reddit channel.
Newsletter about Kotlin.
- Kotlin Daily - A curated twitter account with daily suggestion about Kotlin.
- Kotlin Weekly - A curated weekly newsletter about the best of Kotlin around the net.
Podcast about Kotlin.
- Talking Kotlin - A curated podcast about Kotlin language.
- ganalytics - Google Analytics tiny framework.
- Raincoat - Analytics abstraction layer.
- ActivityStarter - Easy way to start the Activities with arguments.
- LastAdapter - An adapter and viewholder handler for easier android development.
- Mystique - RecyclerView generated via homogeneous and heterogeneous lists effortlessly using an universal adapter logging framework.
- Stepper-Touch - A simple stepper touch button.
- Fotoapparat - Making Camera for Android more friendly.
- Simple-Gallery - A gallery for viewing photos and videos.
- Flexbox - Flexbox layout by Google.
- MapMe - A modern adapter approach for maps, supporting Google Maps and Mapbox.
- Permission Dispatcher - Provides a simple annotation-based API to handle runtime permissions.
- NestedRecyclerView - Improve the scroll angle when 2 recyclers views are nested.
- Fiberglass - Easy lightweight SharedPreferences library with delegated properties.
- KotlinPreferences - Easy way to use Android shared preferences.
- Kotpref - A simpler way to handle shared preferences.
- xpref - Multiprocess sharedpreferences.
- Anko - A collection of utils to make Android development faster and easier.
- arrow - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library.
- KAndroid - Provide extensions and remove boilerplates on Android development.
- Result - The modelling for success/failure of operations.
- Android Snowfall - Fully customizable implementation of Snowfall View on Android.
- bubble - Easy way check current view orientation.
- ChatMessageView - Chat UI library for Android.
- Colored Time Selector - A smart colored time selector for Android.
- DotsLoader - Android dots loader.
- Konfetti - Particle system for your views.
- kotterknife - View binding made easy.
- Multi Selection - Multiselection Solution for Android.
- NoiseView - Easily add noise effect on your image.
- shadow - Easy shadow handler for view.
- StickyTimeLine - Timeline view for Android.
- Android Indefinite Pager Indicator - Making Camera for Android more friendly.
- Fuse - A disk and memory caching lib.
- kotlin-nosql - NoSQL database query and access library.
- Exposed - A lightweight SQL library written over JDBC.
- Kwery - SQL library over JDBC.
- Requery - A modern SQL based query & persistence.
- Kotson - Simple GSON Parser.
- klaxon - JSON parser.
- kotlin-logging - Lightweight logging framework.
- Fuel - A complete network library with routing support.
- kaha - A simple Servlet based web framework.
- kara - A tiny web framework for JVM.
- kovert - A REST (and Web) framework.
- ktor - A framework for quickly creating web applications.
- Kotlin Native - An LLVM backend for the Kotlin compiler, runtime implementation, and native code generation facility using the LLVM toolchain.