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map of venues with contact info for booking tours

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Map of venues for booking tours

Project info

  • /server

    • REST API written in Rust
    • Handles JWT-based authentication/authorization
    • Client to retrieve GeoJSON data from Google Maps API
    • Postgres && Redis
  • /frontend

    • SPA written with Sveltekit that renders a filterable map of venues
    • Flowbite/Tailwind-based CSS
    • Leaflet map library
  • /addr_to_geo

    • DEPRECATED: Node script that pulls contacts from the database and adds a latitude/longitude so they can be rendered on a map.
    • Can be used to bulk-update Contacts with lat/lng

Getting started

  • Postgres Dockerfile provided as a convenience but not necessary. Example .env files use variables from image. Start the Docker service: docker compose up
  • Run database migrations under /server/migrations with sqlx migrate run
  • Start the server (port 8000 default): cargo run
    • Uncomment lines to create TestUser in server/src/ first time running app
    • OR signup and change status column in users to confirmed
    • Comment out send_confirmation_email in server/src/routes/auth/ if email client not configured locally.
  • Start the SPA: npm run dev
  • For frontend/UI development without setting up a Rust backend, checkout


  • cargo test || cargo test -- --nocapture
  • tests the different features. You may need to run one group of tests at a time.
  • OR run serial RUST_TEST_THREADS=1
  • OR or increase ulimit
  • Temporary databases are created with hashes for names. If you need to clean them up run psql -Atqc "SELECT 'DROP DATABASE ' || quote_ident(datname) || ';' FROM pg_database WHERE datname like '%7%';" | psql replacing 7 with any number that's not in the name of one of your existing databases

Tech improvements

  • grouping map points
  • postgis
  • UI theme, usability
  • response messages for: signing up, logging in, logging out, adding contacts, errors
  • validate contactForm is link when submitted
  • state management
    • a lot in UI needs updated when user signs in/out
    • endpoints should return newly added/edited data and update UI
  • make API CRUD (currently only GET/POST)
  • GraphQL?

Potential Features

  • filter by contact type: promoter, venue, DIY/house, band
  • create tour
    • select date range
    • add multiple contacts to each date, set to: contacted, pending, confirmed, n/a
    • adjust date of events
    • export to CSV formatted for Songkick import
    • calculate drive times for routes
  • mass-import contacts from CSV
  • login w/ google
  • ability to share private contacts w/ specific users


map of venues with contact info for booking tours






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