Convert int to random name, like tree_dance and convert it back to same int.
Like git-name which converts hashes to memorable names and back.
Also like the Mnemonic Major System which converts strings of numbers it phrases to aid in memorization, implemented here mnemonic-major-encoder In action here:
from random_names.make_names import number_to_name,number_from_name
# TODO: needs a user specified separator
name = number_to_name(100,"prefix","q")
print(name) # prefix_q_activated
number = number_from_name(name)
assert number==100
Lets say that your users need to type in a long number, 48342342. It would be easier to type in tree_dance. But your app still needs that number, so you need to convert it back. This is similar to docker container names, except reversable.
I map 10,000 words to 4 digits, twice. That yields two words covering 100,000,000 numbers.
If you use a short word list, you can't generate enough names.
If you use any dictionary, you get a lot of funny, obscene or offensive names. So I ran the world list through cuss word detection & removed most of the worst.
Crypocurrency related
- mnemonic Words to cryptocurrency "wallet"
Mneumonic Major System
Converting arabic numbers, e.g. 22, to spoken equivalent, e.g. twenty-two and back.
- inflect Converts, 22 to twenty-two
- words2num Converts twenty-two to 22.
- num2words Converts 22 to twenty-two
- text2num Converts twenty-two to 22. Multilingual
- num2rus Converts 22 to Russian currency
- num2fawords Convert number to Persian
- zahlwort2num Convert german to 22.
Converting numbers to a shorter string, like Ascii85
Random names, just random names. No way to convert to a number
- pypi search To many to list, mostly just a function or two.