This repository contains a collection of SugarCRM installers, patches, utilities and documentation previous hosted on SourceForge. SugarCRM (the company) has sunset this open-source version of its product and it is no longer supported or maintained. As such the company has removed these files from the SourceForge project.
These legacy files are still important to ongoing support of any SugarCRM CE-based applications that are still in active production use, and we know they're out there. For that reason I have done my best to salvage these old files and place them here.
SugarCRM (the company) ceased support of the 6.5 branch of its software on April 15, 2017. With it went the latest release of the Community Edition. The files here include this unsupported version and earlier, so it's all legacy stuff and you shouldn't use it for new applications.
- applications that include non-upgrade-safe custom code can be compared to an "out of box" application of the same version to identify those customizations
- a compromised or corrupted system could have its configuraiton and data migrated to a same-version application on a new platform.
- there is documentation on these legacy editions of Sugar that cannot be found in any blog or forum, although SugarCRM does still host some very helpful resources at Unsupported Versions.
The good folks at SuiteCRM forked the final open-source release of SugarCRM Community Edition and ran with it. It has
- a fantastic updated user interface
- several enterprise level features that were not originally available in Community Edition
- ongoing security and feature support
- a stable release cycle featuring both Long Term Support (LTS) enterprise versioning and a faster-paced release cycle
You can grab SuiteCRM from the downloads page or just fork it from the GitHub repo..
I'm not affiliated with SuiteCRM or SalesAgility (the authors and maintainers of SuiteCRM), but they're doing cool stuff with this open source software and it's probably a good solution for your business (or RDB app. that needs a web UI).
I can usually help with situations like this :) Shoot me an email and we'll chat. If I can't help you I'll help you find someone who can!
-- Matthew Poer