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(Unofficial) Idris Dockerfiles

Project Progress

  • Ubuntu Dockerfile
    • Backend support
    • Chez
    • Racket
    • RefC
    • Node
    • Javascript
    • Other backend support
  • Other Distro Dockerfiles
  • Nightly Builds (DockerHub)


Running Locally

To run one of the Ubuntu Idris docker images, pick a supported version tag (0.2.2, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.5.1, 0.6.0, 0.7.0, or nightly) to specify after the colon and run the following command from an environment with a Docker daemon installed and running:

docker run -ti mattpolzin2/idris-docker:latest

You will be dropped into an Idris 2 REPL where you can play around.

Alternatively, run the image with bash and write an honest-to-goodness Idris source file:

docker run -ti mattpolzin2/idris-docker:latest bash
$ echo -e "main : IO ()\nmain = putStrLn \"Hello World\"" > Main.idr
$ idris2 -o hello Main.idr
$ ./build/exec/hello
Hello World
$ [...]

Take things one step further by mounting a directory on your computer to the Idris docker container; just be careful, you can delete files on your host machine from inside the Docker container this way!

docker run -ti -v "$(pwd)/hello-world:/root/hello-world" mattpolzin2/idris-docker:latest bash
$ cd hello-world
$ idris2 --build hello-world.ipkg
$ [...]

Choosing a backend

The Idris compiler shipped with this Docker image is built using Chez Scheme, but you can choose to compile your programs using a number of different backends.

This Docker Image supports the following backends currently:

# Chez Scheme (default)
idris2 --build my-stuff.ipkg

# Racket
idris2 --cg racket my-stuff.ipkg

# C (only available from Idris 2 v0.3.0 onward)
idris2 --cg refc --build my-stuff.ipkg

# NodeJS
idris2 --cg node --build my-stuff.ipkg

# Javascript
idris2 --cg javascript --build my-stuff.ipkg


In addition to different Docker images for each version of Idris 2, there is an image tagged idv that has the Idris Version Manager preinstalled in addition to all Idris 2 versions. This image allows you to switch between different Idris 2 versions with a single command, but the Docker image is larger because there are multiple Idris 2 versions pre-installed.

docker run -ti mattpolzin2/idris-docker:idv bash
$ idv list
* system (installed)
  0.7.0  (installed)
  0.6.0  (installed)
  0.5.1  (installed)
$ idv select 0.3.0

Idris 2 version 0.6.0 selected.

$ idris2 --version
Idris 2, version 0.6.0
$ idv select system

System copy of Idris 2 selected.

$ idris2 --version
Idris 2, version 0.7.0-nightly

Notice that the system version of Idris 2 is the version you will find in the nightly Docker image (i.e. it is newer than the lastest stable version, which is also installed and selectable via Idv).

Using for GitHub Actions

These Docker images can be a great foundation for GitHub Actions based testing of Idris code. Because Idris is already installed in these images, you save time over downloading or even building Idris as part of the GitHub Action itself.

Here's an example of what a GitHub Action workflow file might look like (including installing git into the container, because git is not needed by the Idris container otherwise).

name: Tests
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: mattpolzin2/idris-docker:nightly

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: apt-get update && apt-get -y install git
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Build
        run: make
      - name: Test
        run: make test

Building Idris Docker Images

From the root directory of this repository, pick a stage to build (idris-022, idris-030, idris-040, idris-051, idris-060, idris-070, idris-nightly, or idv), and then:

docker build -t local/idris-docker:nightly --target idris-nightly -f Dockerfile.ubuntu .


A few versioned Idris 2 Docker images.







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