This project is a basic demonstration of the MVVM architecture in iOS. It demonstrates the usage of UIKit with Combine, as well as Unit Testing. The app consists of a list of the newest Marvel heroes, with it's own detail view with additional information.
Build status of continus integration with Travis
MVVM Architecture UIKit & Combine usage Minimal third-party frameworks. Working on replacing the only framework (Kingfisher) with a custom framework. Unit Testing
Make sure to install SwiftLint in order to enforce Swift style and conventions.
First need to sign up in and get your keys.
To make request to the Marvel API, you need three parameters: "apikey", "ts" and "hash",.
- The apikey is just your public key
- Your ts (short for timestamp) can be anything, but it should be an actual timestamp. For example 2020-06-15
- To generate your hash use a MD5 hash generator with the following "ts + privatekey + publickey"
If you want more information regarding the Marvel API, make sure to check their documentation
Run the tests with Command + T
If you want to help out and expand this project demonstration, feel free to create a Pull Request.