Users take their dog for a walk every day. These walks are tracked using GPS.
The included data set contains raw GPS coordinates from a few different walks around NYC.
For this project, you will write a simple program that:
- Parses this data set
- Separates the individual walks
- Displays each walk on a map along with any interesting statistics
What to display in part 3 and how to display it is entirely up to you. It could calculate the total duration or distance traveled for each walk. It could even call a service to find out what the weather was like during that day. Whatever seems interesting!
csvToMaps is a Java project that I implemented for a take home interview.
I happened to write this project in a more functional programming style. For production code, I follow the established conventions of the codebase.
For example, some Ruby on Rails projects follow "Hexagonal Architecture", some projects follow the service object pattern, and some simply use fat models. I'm completely flexible as your happiness is my ultimate goal!
Usage: CSVToMaps [options]
* --csvFileLocation
Location of input GPS CSV data.
* --mapboxAccessToken
./mvnw package
java -jar target/csvToMaps-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
./mvnw verify -DmapboxAccessToken=<access token> -DdeepAIApiKey=<api key>
The mapbox access token is passed through to the system under test and is used for map generation. One can be acquired at
The deep AI API key is used to compare the output of the integration test with a previously generated map. The endpoint uses machine learning to compare how similar the two images are. A key can be acquired at