Based on the lovely nnnslackbot (Lessdremoth) - A slackbot for the neuralnexus slack team
A slackbot that uses the guildwars 2 API to provide some functionality to the Netherfore slack team. Provides base ingredients, item nomenclature, wiki integration, some fun reply bots and more!
Check out quagbot directly from Git.
git clone
Then in the checkout directory, install quagbot's dependencies
npm install
To be rewritten.
Run main.js after inserting token.
Thanks for trying out quagbot. Please email the author with questions or submit issues/feature requests/general insults as issues in git and they will be seen in short order.
List of commands as of v2.17.4:
craft, bcraft, bc, asscraft, basscraft, ac, bac, shop, bshop, professionReport, pr, deaths, characters, cheevo, cheevor, cheevof, daily, today, tomorrow, wallet, dungeonWallet, dw, bank, dungeonfriends, dungeonfriendsverbose, df, dfv, prefix, suffix, mycolors, colors, mycolorscheme, colorscheme, dye, latest, todo, access, quaggans, quaggan, hello, hi, shutdown, restart, uptime, who are you, sample
Responses without help: tantrum, riker, catfact, other 'easter eggs' that are easily findable in a text editor. :)