A package for implementing control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
This toolbox provides utilities to construct nonlinear systems and control policies based on control barrier functions (CBFs).
To download this package open the Julia REPL, enter the package manager (type ]
into the REPL) and run
using Pkg
# Load in packages
using ControlBarrierFunctions
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
# Create a single integrator
n = 2
m = 2
f(x) = zeros(2)
g(x) = diagm(ones(2))
Σ = ControlAffineSystem("single integrator", n, m, f, g)
# Create a CBF for an obstacle
xo = [-1.0, 1.0]
ro = 0.4
h(x) = norm(x - xo)^2 - ro^2
α(r) = r
cbf = ControlBarrierFunction(h, Σ, α);
# Nominal controller
kd(x) = -x
# Create a safety filter
k = ExplicitSafetyFilter(cbf, Σ, kd);
# Run a simulation
x0 = [-2.1, 2.0]
T = 15.0
sol = simulate(Σ, k, x0, T)
# Set up plots
default(fontfamily="Computer Modern", palette=:tab10, framestyle=:box, grid=false, lw=2)
# Plot trajectory
plot(sol, idxs=(1,2), label="")
contour!(-1.5:0.01:-0.5, 0.5:0.01:1.5, (x,y) -> h([x,y]), levels=[0.0], colorbar=false, c="black")