Convert a value to another value using your own callables.
composer require maximaster/atoa
namespace Maximaster\Atoa;
use Maximaster\Atoa\Contract\Atoa;
use Maximaster\Atoa\Converter;
class A { public function __construct(public string $value) {} }
class B { public function __construct(public string $value) {} }
// Implement converters for all needed cases.
// Make sure that callable has both input and return types described.
$converter = new Converter([
static fn (A $a): B => new B($a->value),
static fn (B $b): A => new A($b->value),
static fn (string $c): int => intval($c),
// Use Atoa interface instead of implementation in your services.
(static function (Atoa $atoa): void {
// Ask converter to get desired type and pass any other type.
// If the converter does know how to convert this object to desired type, it
// would do it.
$a = $converter->convertTo(A::class, new B('hello')); // A('hello')
$b = $converter->convertTo(B::class, new A('hello')); // B('hello')
$c = $converter->convertTo('int', '42'); // 42