Signed Distance Field is minimal distance from a point to a shape. It allows efficient compression of fonts and binary images, and also allows interesting blending of shapes.
In differentiable rendering the scene parameters are optimized by minimizing Mean Squared Error with a reference image.
- Analytical SDF forward and backward rendering
- Drawing and differentiating SDF by shape parameters for circle, rectangle, triangle, bitmap SDF. Geometric and color parameters are optimized
- More complex SDF: 5-angled star, horseshoe, moon
- Adam optimizer
- Differentiated alpha blending
- Bitmap SDF is optimized per-pixel and is single-color. Multiple bitmaps allow multi-color SDF by using differentiated alpha blending
- Fast derivatives computed by hand
- Slow automatic self-written differetiation with forward and backward passes
- Textured mesh edge sampling - differentiation w.r.t. texture pixels and triangle positions using Reynolds theorem
- SDF edge sampling, same approach as with textured mesh
The mesh edge sampling optimization works only if texture learning rate is lowered while positions are optimized. Over time it diverges, also if verticies fall outside the screen, they cannot return and decrease effective texture area.
Using forward and backward pass, construct a computation graph in runtime and traverse verticies in same order backward, computing the derivative of loss function w.r.t. to each intermediate node using chain rule.
Example of such graph:
Important steps in implementation:
OpType: a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, -a, sqrt(a), a^2, smoothstep(a)
struct D: differentiable
struct Dp: pointer to D
graph: computational graph
Memory consumption: 700 MB per 10 000 000 nodes in graph. Problems found:
- BFS backward traversal results in incorrect gradient (fixed, traverse in order of appending to graph)
- const values are deleted on backward and result in dangling references from intermediate nodes (not fixed, need to create const values on each forward pass)
Shapes look like, but formulas was derived by me.
5-angled Star
Derivative of SDF with respect to small radius
$$ \frac{dSDF}{drs} = -\frac{cross'len - crosslen'}{len^2} $$
Now put
Derivative with respect to big radius
Follow chain rule to compute
As with small radius, put
- Rust sources are src/, src/, src/ and src/taskdif/*
- Cargo.toml - dependecies
- resources/ - precomputed reference images, textures
Written from scratch in Rust. Implements basic 2D geometry:
- Point struct (which serves as a vector), implemented dot product, cross product, projection of one vector onto another, rotation
- Shape struct for all shapes - analytical, bitmap SDF. Scaling and translation is not implemented. For storage and diff of vectors Point and nalgebra::Vector3 package are used. For image storage ndarray::Array3 package is used.
- Shape::backward sums dMSE/dS for parameters of shape, Shape::step applies Adam or other optimizer
- TriangleMesh defines triangle positions and texture (uv) coordinates. ::render is used for both forward and backward passes, for differentiation on the edge of triangles. ::step applies the optimizer to positions and texture pixels.
Project was developed on Ubuntu OS, using Rust compiler rustc 1.67.1. Compile and run:
cargo build --release && ./target/release/diff2d
Cargo should install Rust dependencies. Rendered images will be saved to working directory. Implemented scenes:
- SDF diff
- Bitmap SDF diff, ACDC logo
- Mesh texture and edge sampling
- SDF edge sampling
- Complex SDF
- Auto diff, simple scene
- Multiple image SDF, Portal logo
To create animation:
convert -delay 4 -loop 0 *.jpg myimage.gif # imagemagick
convert *.jpg -coalesce -duplicate 1,-2-1 -quiet -layers OptimizePlus -loop 0 patrol_cycle.gif
ffmpeg -framerate 10 -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 10 -b:v 400K -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 20 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libwebp -loop 0 -q:v 80 output.webp
Due to unstable optimization, very large textures harm loss and decrease runtime. Loss is final MSE, lower is better.
optimized texture size | loss | time, ms/it |
32x32 | 0.0049 | 9.6 |
128x128 | 0.0046 | 10 |
1024x1024 | 0.0055 | 45 |
Interior mutability
Global static variable
Global variables
No user-defined constructors in Rust
Inheritance struct common variables
Impl for alias type (inheritance)
Deref for accessing parent type methods (inheritance)
Easy macros
Cargo dependency resolution
nalgebra dot product
ndarray sqrt