CMC MSU, 5 semester bachelor, 2019
Required GPU with OpenGL support >=4.3
Linux (Ubuntu) package dependencies: libglfw3
, libglfw3-dev
Build with ./
- image sourcesmain.cpp
- main variables, gui looptextured_sphere
- underwater objectswater_surface
- rendering of watershaders/
- vertex, fragment, compute shaders
- Surface water waves simulation
- Interactive water disturbing
- Reflection of "sky"
- Refraction of light through water, illumination of underwater surfaces
- A ball placed underwater, also affected by refraction
- Utilization of compute shaders for water surface simulation and refracted light on underwater objects
- Mouse control
- WASD movement
- Right click - disturb water surface
- Q - toggle wireframe water surface
- F1-F4 - teleport to preset scene