A simple module for saving gifs from LOVE 0.11.x.
Build the library by running:
$ python build.py
Move gifcatlib.so and gifcat.lua to the base of your project. Then, just require the lua file:
gifcat = require("gifcat")
##Basic Usage:
The basic steps goes as follows:
- Init the library
- Update the library each frame
- Create a gif, and feed it a frame each frame
the gif once you are done with it.- Find the gif in LOVE's application data directory
You can also optionally track the progress using gif:onUpdate() (See documentation) and examples for usage.
local gifcat = require("gifcat")
local curgif = nil
function love.load()
love.window.setMode( 100, 100 )
-- Init gifcat, this is important as it launches the threads and sets
-- everything up.
function love.update(dt)
-- This isn't necessary, however it is recommended.
-- Important, otherwise it will hang when trying to quit.
function love.quit()
-- Important to make sure it doesn't fail silently.
function love.threaderror(thread, errorstr)
print("Thread error!\n"..errorstr)
function love.keypressed(key, isrepeat)
if isrepeat then
curgif = gifcat.newGif(os.time()..".gif",100,100)
-- Optional method to just print out the progress of the gif
print(string.format("Progress: %.2f%% (%d/%d)",gif:progress()*100,curframes,totalframes))
print(totalframes.." frames written")
function love.keyreleased(key)
-- Stop writing to the gif. This finalizes the file and closes it.
-- Set to nil so our program knows we aren't writing a gif.
curgif = nil
function love.draw()
-- Display our game here.
if curgif then
-- Save a frame to our gif.
love.graphics.captureScreenshot(function(screenshot) curgif:frame(screenshot) end)
-- Show a little recording icon in the upper right hand corner. This will
-- not get shown in the gif because it is displayed after the call to
-- captureScreenshot()
love.graphics.print("Current FPS: "..tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), 0, 0)
##Advanced Usage:
###Renaming gifcatlib.so
If you want to change the name of gifcatlib.so to gifcatlib.dll (if you are
windows), then you will need to update the GIFLIB
variable at the top of
###Placing the dynamic library in a different location.
If you place the library somewhere else than the root of your project, you will
need to change the GIFLIB
variable at the top of gifcat.lua
###Giving gifcat irregular image sizes.
If you want to give gifcat images that aren't the same size as the gif, it will
automatically recreate the image on an internal canvas that it will use.
By default this will scale it. You can make it crop the image by changing the
mode to "crop" in GifWriter:frame
Inits the library. This will start the thread and get everything initialized.
This will close all open gifs as well as shut down the threads in preperation for quitting.
Update all active gif objects. This is where they check and update their progress indications.
Will return true if there are any gifs being written.
Creates a new GifWriter. This is how you start writing a new gif. fps
default to the current fps (as returned by love.timer.getFPS()
). isrepeat
will default to true (setting it so the gif will repeat), palettesize
default to 32.
Write a frame to the gif, image
can be either an ImageData, Image, or Canvas.
Use dt
to set a custom delay for this specific frame. Overrides the default fps
value. mode
is how GifWriter will deal with an incorrectly sized image
. Set
to scale
to force it to scale the image.
Will close the gif and allow it to finish writing.
Sets a callback fn
to be called when a new frame is written. This function is
Sets a callback fn
to be called when the gif was written completely and closed
properly. This function is chainable.
Will set the fps
for the subsequent frames being written. If fps
is nil it
will set the fps
to the current fps as returned by love.timer.getFPS()
Returns the current progress of the gif as a number between 0 and 1.
Forces the GifWriter to create a canvas for its internal use.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.