MTG Deck Builder is a tool to help Magic The Gathering players build decks and give/get feedback to/from other users!
Try MTG Deck Builder Here!
Planning Materials
- Logout : logout of your account
- View Decks : an index page including all decks you're made and all decks others have made
- Make a Deck : Start a brand new deck!
- To start: Press the 'Make a Deck' button in the nav bar
- This will bring you to a new page where you name your deck
- press 'Create Deck' to continue
- You will now be at the main editing screen fot your new deck
- You can search for cards by...
- Name, Type, CMC (converted mana cost), Set Name, Rarity, and Text (any words in the cards main text box)
- When you find a card you'd like to add to your deck, click that card and it will be added!
- If you decide later that you'd like to remove a card, click on that card in your current deck
- You can delete your deck by pressing the 'Delete This Deck' button
- Click 'View Decks' in the nav bar to view all decks
- Click on any deck to view it
- If it's a deck you own, you'll be able to edit your deck from there
- You'll also be able to see reviews from others on the bottom of the page
- If it's a deck you don't own, you'll be able to leave a reivew of the deck
- If you have left a review on that deck in the past you can delete that review by pressing the 'x' button next to the review
- If it's a deck you own, you'll be able to edit your deck from there
- Generally polish things up
- Optomize Mobile Responsiveness
- Keep search results from refreshing when a card is added
- Shuffle and draw through Deck to see what it's like to use