Minimal statusline
return {
opts = {},
dependencies = {
To customize the layout, you need to create a function that will return a string. This string will be the section of your status line.
require('roseline').setup {
theme = 'rose-pine',
layout = {
a = section_a,
b = section_b,
c = section_c,
d = section_d,
e = section_e,
icons = {
vim = '',
git = {
head = '',
added = '',
changed = '',
removed = '',
diagnostic = {
Error = '',
Warning = '',
Information = '',
Question = '',
Hint = '',
Debug = '',
Ok = '',
os = {
Linux = '',
microsoft = '',
Darwin = '',
default = { left = '', right = '' },
block = { left = '█', right = '█' },
round = { left = '', right = '' },
h roseline
Any contributions are welcome; just send a pull request.
apt install luarocks
luarocks install luacheck
luarocks install vusted
vusted tests
docker compose up