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A construction of the free category without quotienting
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maxsnew committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent feaab16 commit f7d5f7a
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Categories/Constructions/Free/Category/Unquotiented.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{- The free category on a Quiver, but without using HITs -}
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
-- Free category with a terminal object, over a Quiver
module Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Free.Category.Unquotiented where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Quiver.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.W.Indexed

open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Free.Category.Base

ℓc ℓc' ℓd ℓd' ℓg ℓg' ℓh ℓh' ℓj ℓ : Level
ℓC ℓC' ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ' : Level

open QuiverOver
module _ (Q : Quiver ℓg ℓg') where
data Mor : Q .fst Q .fst Type (ℓ-max ℓg ℓg') where
nil : {q} Mor q q
cons : {q'} e Mor (Q .snd .cod e) q' Mor (Q .snd .dom e) q'

elim : {B : {q} {q'} Mor q q' Type ℓ}
( {q} B (nil {q}))
( {q'} e (m : Mor _ q') B m B (cons e m))
{q q'} (m : Mor q q') B m
elim {B = B} [nil] [cons] nil = [nil]
elim {B = B} [nil] [cons] (cons e m) = [cons] e m (elim {B = B} [nil] [cons] m)

rec : {B : Q .fst Q .fst Type ℓ}
( {q} B q q)
( {q'} e B (Q .snd .cod e) q' B (Q .snd .dom e) q')
{q q'} Mor q q' B q q'
rec {B = B} [nil] [cons] nil = [nil]
rec {B = B} [nil] [cons] (cons e m) = [cons] e (rec {B = B} [nil] [cons] m)

append : {q1 q2 q3} Mor q1 q2 Mor q2 q3 Mor q1 q3
append {q3 = q3} = rec {B = λ q1 q2 Mor q2 q3 Mor q1 q3}
(λ {q} m' m')
λ {q'} e r m' cons e (r m')

append-nil : {q q'} (m : Mor q q') append m nil ≡ m
append-nil = elim {B = λ m append m nil ≡ m}
λ m m' cong (cons m)

append-assoc : {q q' q'' q'''} (m : Mor q q')(m' : Mor q' q'')(m'' : Mor q'' q''')
append m (append m' m'') ≡ append (append m m') m''
append-assoc m m' m'' =
elim {B = λ m {m'} append m (append m' m'') ≡ append (append m m') m''}
refl (λ e m ih cong (cons e) ih)
m {m'}

module _ (isGpdQOb : isGroupoid (Q .fst)) (isSetQMor : isSet (Q .snd .mor)) where
isSetMor : {q} {q'} isSet (Mor q q')
isSetMor {q}{q'} = isSetRetract
{B = Tree q q'}
Mor→Tree Tree→Mor M◂T
(isOfHLevelSuc-IW 1 (λ (q , q') isSet⊎ (isGpdQOb _ _) (isSetΣ isSetQMor λ _ isGpdQOb _ _)) _)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (rec; elim)
import Cubical.Data.Sum as Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Empty hiding (rec; elim)
import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

Tree : q q' Type _
Tree q q' = IW {X = Q .fst × Q .fst}
(λ (q , q') (q ≡ q') ⊎ (Σ[ e ∈ _ ] Q .snd .dom e ≡ q))
(λ q Sum.rec (λ _ ⊥) λ _ Unit)
(λ q Sum.elim (λ _ Empty.elim) λ (e , _) _ Q .snd .cod e , q .snd)
(q , q')

Mor→Tree : {q q'} Mor q q' Tree q q'
Mor→Tree = rec {B = Tree}
(node (inl refl) Empty.elim)
λ e t node (inr (e , refl)) λ _ t

Tree→Mor : {q q'} Tree q q' Mor q q'
Tree→Mor {q}{q'} (node (inl p) subtree) = subst (λ q' Mor q q') p nil
Tree→Mor {q}{q'} (node (inr (e , p)) subtree) =
subst (λ q Mor q q') p (cons e (Tree→Mor (subtree _)))

M◂T : {q q'} (m : Mor q q') Tree→Mor (Mor→Tree m) ≡ m
M◂T = elim {B = λ m Tree→Mor (Mor→Tree m) ≡ m}
(λ {q} substRefl {A = Q .fst}{B = λ q' Mor q q'} nil)
λ {q'} e m ih
substRefl {A = Q .fst}{B = λ q Mor q q'} (cons e (Tree→Mor (Mor→Tree m)))
∙ cong (cons e) ih

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