I'm deprecating this library, since I know I'm not going to work on it, and if I do, it will be a complete rewrite. This is some of the first code I ever wrote, and it's gross and sloppy not a good representation of my current knowledge and ability. But a handful of people have told me they found it useful, and it's always good to have some humbling reminders of one's atrocious beginnings, so I'm leaving it up.
Simple, easy, and quick Python 2/3 functions for common Bitcoin operations
There is currently no cli, although that is planned for the future. Right now though, these can only be imported through Python. If you want a good cli app for functions similar to these, I suggest Vitalik Buterin's pybitcointools.
These functions were written to help me learn and understand Bitcoin, and to help me learn and understand Python. These are some of the first things I wrote in Python, but they work great.
Hex output is always a string of hex, not bytes or anything else. Hex inputs are usually supposed to be a string as well. In the function list, I will try to be very clear about what the input and output is. For math operations, if an input is a hex public key, it can, unless otherwise specified, be compressed or uncompressed. You shouldn't ever need to use the keyword arg names, but if you want to, you need to check the actual functions for the real keyword arg names, since I changed some of them below for clarification's sake.
Base58 encoding:
b58e(hex_string, include_checksum_in_output=True):
returns string
b58d(encoded_string, verify_and_strip_checksum=True):
returns hex_string
Bech32 encoding:
bech32encode(witnessversion_int, witnessprogram_hexstr, testnet=False):
returns bech32_string
returns (witnessversion_int, witnessprogram_hexstr)
Bitcoin-related operations:
genkey(compressed=True, prefix_byte='80'):
retuns randomly_generated_ascii_wif_privkey
returns compressed_pub_hex_string
returns uncompressed_pub_hex_string
privtopub(64_char_hex_string, output_compressed_pub=True):
returns pubkey_hex_string
addprivkeys(64_char_hex_string, 64_char_hex_string):
returns 64_char_hex_string
subtractprivkeys(64_char_hex_string, 64_char_hex_string):
returns 64_char_hex_string
multiplypriv(64_char_hex_string, 64_char_hex_string):
returns 64_char_hex_string
multiplypub(pubkey_hex_string, 64_char_hex_string_privkey, output_compressed_pub=True):
returns pubkey_hex_string
addpubs(pub1_hex_string, pub2_hex_string, output_compressed_pub=True):
returns pubkey_hex_string
subtractpubs(pub1_hex_string, pub2_hex_string, output_compressed_pub=True):
returns pubkey_hex_string
pubtoaddress(pubkey_hex_string, address_prefix='00'):
returns address_string
pubtosegwit(hexstr_pubkey_or_redeemscript, isprevitemredeem=False, witnessversion=0, output_p2sh=True, output_witprogram_only=False):
returns p2sh_addr_str___or___witness_program_hexstr
returns pubkey_hex_string if is_valid_pubkey else returns False
returns tuple of (64char_hex_string, 2_char_hexstr_prefix_byte, bool_was_it_compressed)
returns 64_char_hex_string
class Coin(hexstr_privkey_or_pubkey, priv_prefix='80', addr_prefix=2_char_hexstr_of_int-privprefix-minus-128):
Holds info about a key, including:
self.privprefix (2_char_hexstr)
self.pubprefix (2_char_hexstr)
self.priv (64_char_hexstr) or False if pubkey used on initialization
self.wifc (wif_string_compressed) or False if pubkey used on initialization
self.wifu (wif_string_uncompressed) or False if pubkey used on initialization
self.pubc (hexstr_compressed)
self.pubu (hexstr_uncompressed)
self.hash160c (40_char_hex_string)
self.hash160u (40_char_hex_string)
self.addrc (compressed_address_string)
self.addru (uncompressed_address_string)
Signing and Verifying:
sign(64_char_hexstr_hash, 64_char_hexstr_privkey, k=int(privtohex(genkey()),16)):
returns DER_formatted_hex_string_signature_with_low_S
verify(64_char_hash, hexstr_DER_sig, pubkey_hexstr, fail_on_high_S=False):
returns bool_True_or_False
signmsg(message_text_string_NOT_hash, 64_char_hexstr_privkey, indicate_compressed=True, k=int(privtohex(genkey()),16)):
returns string_base64_encoded_signature
verifymsg(message_text_string_NOT_hash, string_base64_encoded_signature):
returns hex_string_pubkey
generate_k(64_char_hexstr_privkey, 64_char_hexstr_data_hash):
returns int/long k value
Stealth Address Payments:
newstealthaddr(scanpriv=new_random, spend_priv=new_random, prefixbyte_check=1, prefixbyte='00'):
returns tuple of (scan_64char_hexstr_priv, spend_64char_hexstr_priv, stealth_address_string)
paystealth(stealth_addr_string, 64_char_ephemeral_privkey=random_new_key):
returns tuple of (hexstr_pubkey_to_pay, hexstr_opreturn_data)
receivestealth(scan_priv_hexstr, spend_priv_hexstr, hexstr_ephemeral_pubkey):
returns hexstr_privkey
BIP 0032 Hierarchical Deterministic keys:
class BIP32(hexstr_seed_or_xpub-xprv_string_or_omit_for_new_random_key, is_testnet_key=False):
Holds info about a BIP32 key, as well as a few useful functions.
Info includes:
self.xprv (xprv_str)
self.xpub (xpub_str)
self.deserialized (hex_str)
self.wif (wif_privkey_str)
self.pub (hexstr_compressed_pubkey)
self.addr (compressed_address_str)
self.chaincode (hexstr_chaincode)
self.parentfpr (hexstr_parent_short_fingerprint)
self.fpr (hexstr_self_short_fingerprint)
self.depth (int_self_depth)
self.index (int_self_index)
returns bool_True_False
returns string_xprv-xpub_for_input_path
# path format = "m/1/4h/0"
self[path] aka self.__getitem__(path):
same as self.child() but returns BIP32 object instead of string
self.__str__() and self.__repr__():
returns xprv-xpub_string
BIP32.ckd(xprv-xpub_string, int_new_child_index):
returns xprv-xpub_string
BIP32.genmaster(hexstr_seed, is_testnet=False):
returns xprv_string
returns xpub_string
BIP32.crack(xpub_master_string, xprv_child_string, str_path_from_master_to_child):
returns xprv_master_string
# You must manually verify returned output against master pub string.
# It outputs the resulting key without checking it against the master pubkey input.
# So if the privkey entered doesn't belong to the master pubkey, the result will
# be bad.
# This was left this way intentionally. If you want it to output False on a
# non-match, feel free to go change the code.
BIP 0039 mnemonics:
class BIP39(wordlist_str_or_hexstr_or_entroy_int_for_new_random=128, bip32_pbkdf2_password=''):
Holds info on a BIP39 mnemonic. Currently only English, but other languages coming soon.
self.hex (hexstr)
self.en (string_english_wordlist_lowercase_with_single_space_inbetween)
self.password (string_bip32_pbkdf_password)
self.enbip32seed (hexstr_bip32_seed_for_english_words_and_self.password)
updates self.password and self.enbip32seed to reflect new input password
self.__str__() and self.__repr__():
returns english_wordlist_str
BIP39.hextowords(hexstr, lang='en'): # Do not change lang yet
returns str_wordlist_from_hex_in_lang
returns hex_string
# Don't input anything besides English word list yet
BIP39.Bip32Seed(wordlist_str, password=''):
returns hexstr_bip32_seed
Electrum keys:
class Electrum1(seed_hexstr_or_wordlist_str_or_omit_for_new_random):
self.words (wordlist_str)
self.seed (seed_hexstr)
self.mpub (hexstr)
self.mpriv (hexstr)
returns tuple of (priv_wif_str, pubkey_hexstr, addr_str)
returns priv_wif_str
returns pubkey_hexstr
returns address_str
self.__str__() and self.__repr__():
returns wordlist_str
self[index] aka self.__getitem__(index):
returns same tuple as self.child()
# HOWEVER, it does not take more than one arg
# If input arg is int/long, it returns main address index
# If input arg is float, it returns change address of index int(input)
returns wordlist_str
returns hexstr_seed
Electrum1.crack(mpub_hexstr, privkey_any_format, index_of_privkey=None, indicies_to_try=100):
returns hexstr_master_privkey if cracked otherwise False
# If index_of_privkey (actual kwarg is just 'index') is None, it will iterate through
# the first indicies_to_try (kwarg 'privtests') main and change keys to see if it's a
# match for any of them and can crack the master private key.
# If index is set to an int, it tries that index (main and change), and ONLY that index
# before giving up.
class Electrum2(seed_hexstr_or_wordlist_str_or_entropy_bits_or_omit_for_new_random_128bit):
self.words (wordlist_str)
self.seed (seed_hexstr)
self.bip32xpub (xpub_str of master public key)
self.bip32xprv (xprv_str of master private key)
self.__str__() and self.__repr__():
returns wordlist_str
self[index] aka self.__getitem__(index):
returns same tuple as Electrum1.child()
# Does not take more than one arg.
# If input arg is int/long, it returns main address index.
# If input arg is float, it returns change address of index int(input).
# If input arg is a str, it must be a BIP32 path (e.g. "m/1/2/3") and
# it will return info of the address that corresponds to that BIP32
# path using the master xprv key.
returns wordlist_str
returns hexstr_seed
Electrum2.crack(master_xpub_str, privkey_any_bitcoin_format_NOT_xprv, index_of_privkey=None, indicies_to_try=100):
returns xprv_master_privkey_str if cracked otherwise False
# If index_of_privkey (actual kwarg is just 'index') is None, it will iterate through
# the first indicies_to_try (kwarg 'privtests') main and change keys to see if it's a
# match for any of them and can crack the master private key.
# If index is set to an int, it tries that index (main and change), and ONLY that index
# before giving up.
Simple Bitcoin Transaction Scripting:
Coming soon. The code is written, but it's not cleaned up enough for me to feel comfortable sticking it online for people to actually be using as a library for their projects.
The standard library, and pbkdf2 if that's not already in the standard library.
First make sure you have the requirements:
sudo pip install pbkdf2
Then either do:
sudo pip install simplebitcoinfuncs
or download/clone this repository and run:
sudo python setup.py install
You don't need any instructions.
Recent versions of Python come with pip installed, so you should be able to run from cmd.exe:
pip install pbkdf2
and then
pip install simplebitcoinfuncs
or possibly
python pip install pbkdf2
python pip install simplebitcoinfuncs
But if that doesn't work, download this script and run it with python. That will install pip. Then follow the instructions above.
Alternatively, consider ditching Windows.
I have no idea how Homebrew or anything else related to Macs works. If you're programming Python on OSX, the Linux instructions should be good enough. But for your own benefit, consider moving to a non-Mac version of Linux. GNU/Linux. Free software for freedom and all that.
In your script, stick at the top:
from simplebitcoinfuncs import *
You're done.