This repository uses GitHub actions to build containers and publish them to
The first set of containers are focussed on building LumoSQL.
Three reasons:
- Underlying software is open source
- Supports anonymous downloads
- Available as a free service
I used these criteria to rule out other alternatives including Docker Hub and GitHub packages.
Be careful if evaluating GitHub packages because at present container images cannot be deleted:
Version deletion is currently unsupported for docker. For more on our deletion policy, see
Since November 2019 the underlying software running has been has been available under the Apache 2.0 licence.
Docker Hub and GitHub packages fail this criteria.
GitHub packages, which can host public container images, but does not allow unauthenticated downloads, fails this criteria.
All of the solutions that I looked at met this criteria. From
Can I use Quay for free?
Yes! We offer unlimited storage and serving of public repositories. We strongly believe in the open source community and will do what we can to help!
To push container images to the GitHub actions workflow in this repository uses two secrets: