A set of new language features for Pharo 9.0, 10, 11 and 12
Metacello new
baseline: 'LanguageExtensions';
repository: 'github://maxwills/language-extensions:main';
Currently adds 4 operators.
"I. #+= operator"
a := 1.
a += 1.
"a value is 2"
"II. #<< (unpacking operator)"
|a b|
{a . b . nil } << { 10. 20 . 30}.
"can also be used directly with method calls return"
"{a . b . nil } << anObject aMethodThatReturnsAnArrayOf3Objects"
"a value is 10, b value is 20"
"III. #asRef and #<< (assignment byRef)"
|a block|
a := 1.
block := [:r| r << 99 "we assign this value to the variable referenced by r"].
self assert: a equals:1.
"we pass the a variable as reference"
block value: a asRef.
self assert: a equals: 99.
"A Ref can be dereferenced by using the #value or #deRef method"
a asRef deref "returns the value of a, 99".
"#asRef enables outgoing(or whatever they are called"
a:= ''.
MyObject myMethod: a asRef.
"a value is 'setByMyMethod'"
"This is the method"
MyObject>> #myMethod: outVar1
outVar1 << 'setByMyMethod'.
"IV. #switch. A clean switch-case notation that uses cascade."
| res |
res := 1 switch
case: 1 do: [ #one ];
case: 2 do: [ #two ];
defaultCase: #three.
self assert: res = #one.
"use Valuables in cases"
res := true switch
case: [ 1 < 0 ] do: [ #one ];
case: [ 1 < 2 ] do: [ #two ];
defaultCase: #three.
self assert: res = #two.
"cases expressions and do are evaluated one after the other until finding the matching case.
The switch condition (receiver of the #switch method call) is evaluated on every case, until finding the matching one."
Stored here as a reminder.
If you manually load the package (Without using the baseline), the you will need to install the extensions executing:
LanguageExtensions installLanguageExtensions
It will override some methods that will allow the AutoProperty traits to work.
To be Fixed asap: The current code compilation to generate the traits does dont includes package info, and browsing code will throw an exeception.