A streaming based collector example to integrate with Splunk.
This example helps integrate SLX's telemetry streaming support with Splunk and configure Splunk to receive and interpret the telemetry response of various supported types.
This is an attempt to demonstrate how to use the SLX's telemetry streaming support and integrate with Splunk.
- Requires Google's Protocol Buffer support (protobuf==3.1.0.post1); If not present
install the same
python -m pip install protobuf
- Requires Python YAML support (PyYAML==3.12)
python -m pip install pyyaml
- The files under "python-slx-collector/protos/" are generated using
for the protobuf files SLX supporting. Make sure to have these files are indeed of the right version that SLX supporting.
Splunk provides different data inputs. These can be used out-of-box, when there is no custom interpretation involved
For this example, SLX's Collector model support is leveraged
Copy files under Splunk\etc\system\bin\brocade_splunk_collector* to respective folders under Splunk installation according to platform.
Update WORK_DIR in brocade_splunk_collector* files to reflect correct path to the python files related to slx-collector
Set up a custom data-input on the Splunk instance "Settings\Data Input", under "Local Inputs", choose "Scripts".
Choose the script path "$SPLUNK_HOME\etc\system\bin" script-name as "brocade_splunk_collector*" and set the requisite values for Interval etc
Field Value (e.g.) Interval 60 Source name override BrocadeSplunkCollector Source Type manual, _json
On the SLX box, configure a collector with ipv4 and port of the Splunk instance inline with details "brocade_splunk_collector*"
telemetry collector SplunkCollector
ip <ipv4> port <portNum> ! ipv4 & portNum should be actual values
profile system-profile default_system_utilization_statistics
profile interface-profile default_interface_statistics
activate ! this token controls the collector behavior
- SLX-OS box (switch/router) needs to be configured with Splunk as a collector
- Make sure the Script data-input BrocadeSplunkCollector is enabled and active in Splunk
- Custom collector receives the data, does necessary conversions (json, in this case) so that Splunk can interpret it
- Pumps converted payload into Splunk
- Use Splunk’s Search App to view the data in raw (json) form
- Use Splunk's reports/dashboard widget capabilities to plot these values received real-time