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Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. In Natural Language Modelling (NLM), the semantics of words can be explained using two approaches, namely i) lexical semantics determined manually by linguistics and ii) vector semantics that is based on the idea of distributional semantics. In our work, for simplicity, we argue that lexical semantics are the golden standard about the semantics of the words based on which we evaluate the results of vector semantics methods - TFiDF, Word2vec using nDCG as our metric.

Setup environmnet - Colab

!pip install pytrec_eval
Requirement already satisfied: pytrec_eval in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.5)

Downloading Dataset

from custom_download import download_df
df = download_df(url="")
word1 word2 POS SimLex999 conc(w1) conc(w2) concQ Assoc(USF) SimAssoc333 SD(SimLex)
0 old new A 1.58 2.72 2.81 2 7.25 1 0.41
1 smart intelligent A 9.20 1.75 2.46 1 7.11 1 0.67
2 hard difficult A 8.77 3.76 2.21 2 5.94 1 1.19

Golden Standard

word1 word2 POS SimLex999 conc(w1) conc(w2) concQ Assoc(USF) SimAssoc333 SD(SimLex)
280 apple juice N 2.88 5.0 4.89 4 0.70 1 1.65
389 apple candy N 2.08 5.0 4.83 4 0.35 0 0.75
637 apple sauce N 1.43 5.0 4.75 4 0.14 0 2.11
from groupby_topN import get_topNDf, pretty_plotHist, transitivityExp
top_n_df = get_topNDf(df)
Total 616 unique word for our Golden Standard
word1 topN topNW
0 absence 1 presence
1 absorb 3 learn, possess, withdraw
2 abundance 1 plenty
pretty_plotHist(top_n_df, 'topN', 5, title='Number of TopN words based on Lexical Semantic',
xlabel='Num of Sim Words', ylabel='Frquency of Words')


Expanding Golden Standard - Trasitivity

# Before expansion
word1 topN topNW
358 learn 2 listen, evaluate
top_n_df = transitivityExp(top_n_df, df)
# After expansion
word1 topN topNW topN_ topNW_
358 learn 2 listen, evaluate 4 listen, evaluate, hear, obey
pretty_plotHist(top_n_df, 'topN_', 5, title='Number of TopN words after expansion - Lexical Semantic',
xlabel='Num of Sim Words', ylabel='Frquency of Words')


Baseline - TFiDF Vectorizer - News, Romance

Training Vectorizer

from tfidf_vec import fitBrown_tfidfvect, find_topN, topN_TFiDF
vectBrown_news, vectFitBrown_news  = fitBrown_tfidfvect(corpus_cat="news")
vectBrown_romance, vectFitBrown_romance  = fitBrown_tfidfvect(corpus_cat="romance")
[nltk_data] Downloading package brown to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package brown is already up-to-date!
# find top10 using cosine similarity and the trained tfidf vectorizer
find_topN('world', vectBrown_news, vectFitBrown_news)
('free, war, series, mad, did, greatest, sure, single, coal',
 [('free', 0.7401663764137629),
  ('war', 0.6826088407452374),
  ('series', 0.6271689134895849),
  ('mad', 0.4850183223022188),
  ('did', 0.4281407864150115),
  ('greatest', 0.3853187945124261),
  ('sure', 0.3551096076423225),
  ('single', 0.32918256342375957),
  ('coal', 0.3181299040914047)])

Generating TopN over Golden Standard

# Generate top10 similar word for each word in Golden Corpus within df
# using News corpus trained
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 100)
top_n_df = topN_TFiDF(top_n_df, vectBrown_news, vectFitBrown_news, suffix='Nw')
word1 topN topNW topN_ topNW_ topN-TF-Nw topN-TF-Nw-S
613 worker 3 employer, mechanic, camera 5 employer, mechanic, camera, employee, president
614 world 1 globe 1 globe free, war, series, mad, did, greatest, sure, s... [(free, 0.7401663764137629), (war, 0.682608840...
615 yard 1 inch 1 inch
# using Romance corpus trained
top_n_df = topN_TFiDF(top_n_df, vectBrown_romance, vectFitBrown_romance, suffix='Rs')
word1 topN topNW topN_ topNW_ topN-TF-Nw topN-TF-Nw-S topN-TF-Rs topN-TF-Rs-S
613 worker 3 employer, mechanic, camera 5 employer, mechanic, camera, employee, president
614 world 1 globe 1 globe free, war, series, mad, did, greatest, sure, s... [(free, 0.7401663764137629), (war, 0.682608840... come, tough, thought, youre, damn, fashion, wo... [(come, 0.6307550123065628), (tough, 0.6228660...
615 yard 1 inch 1 inch

Evaluation using average nDCG over Golden Standard

from tfidf_eval import get_best_vec, plot_avgnDCG
bestTFm, scoreBTFm = get_best_vec(top_n_df, models=['topN-TF-Nw-S', 'topN-TF-Rs-S'])
print(bestTFm, scoreBTFm)
topN-TF-Nw-S {'topN-TF-Nw-S': 0.003010672468284978, 'topN-TF-Rs-S': 0.0006001050280581845}


Baseline - Word2vec

Training/Loading and generating Top10

from w2vec_vec import train_generateTopn, plotBar_dict
sent_stats, top_n_df = train_generateTopn(top_n_df, #df with golden standard 
                                          brown_cat=['news', 'romance'], # corpus to train on
                                          wins=[1, 2, 5, 10], # windows size to try
                                          vss=[10, 50, 100, 300], # emb dim to try
                                          base_model="drive/MyDrive/modelsO") # model dump and preload
[nltk_data] Downloading package brown to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package brown is already up-to-date!
# Number of train record for required window size
plotBar_dict(sent_stats, xlabel="Window Size", ylabel="Num of Sample", title="Actual Data Used for training W2vec")
{1: 4588, 2: 4504, 5: 4253, 10: 3759}


word1 topN topNW topN_ topNW_ topN-TF-Nw topN-TF-Nw-S topN-TF-Rs topN-TF-Rs-S news_1_10 news_1_10_S news_1_50 news_1_50_S news_1_100 news_1_100_S news_1_300 news_1_300_S news_2_10 news_2_10_S news_2_50 news_2_50_S news_2_100 news_2_100_S news_2_300 news_2_300_S news_5_10 news_5_10_S news_5_50 news_5_50_S news_5_100 news_5_100_S news_5_300 news_5_300_S news_10_10 news_10_10_S news_10_50 news_10_50_S news_10_100 news_10_100_S news_10_300 news_10_300_S romance_1_10 romance_1_10_S romance_1_50 romance_1_50_S romance_1_100 romance_1_100_S romance_1_300 romance_1_300_S romance_2_10 romance_2_10_S romance_2_50 romance_2_50_S romance_2_100 romance_2_100_S romance_2_300 romance_2_300_S romance_5_10 romance_5_10_S romance_5_50 romance_5_50_S romance_5_100 romance_5_100_S romance_5_300 romance_5_300_S romance_10_10 romance_10_10_S romance_10_50 romance_10_50_S romance_10_100 romance_10_100_S romance_10_300 romance_10_300_S
613 worker 3 employer, mechanic, camera 5 employer, mechanic, camera, employee, president
614 world 1 globe 1 globe free, war, series, mad, did, greatest, sure, s... [(free, 0.7401663764137629), (war, 0.682608840... come, tough, thought, youre, damn, fashion, wo... [(come, 0.6307550123065628), (tough, 0.6228660... Salem, place, leaving, needs, thought, retired... [(Salem, 0.8724534511566162), (place, 0.859767... retired, ., exactly, lost, able, place, arrest... [(retired, 0.5493535995483398), (., 0.50286048... retired, grant, victory, ', arrested, junior, ... [(retired, 0.3550279140472412), (grant, 0.3524... rise, industry, troubles, new, involved, city,... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (industry, 0.2026... Salem, place, leaving, needs, thought, retired... [(Salem, 0.8724534511566162), (place, 0.859767... retired, ., exactly, lost, able, place, arrest... [(retired, 0.5493535995483398), (., 0.50286048... retired, grant, victory, ', arrested, junior, ... [(retired, 0.3550279140472412), (grant, 0.3524... rise, industry, troubles, new, involved, city,... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (industry, 0.2026... Salem, place, leaving, needs, thought, retired... [(Salem, 0.8724534511566162), (place, 0.859767... retired, ., exactly, lost, able, place, arrest... [(retired, 0.5493535995483398), (., 0.50286048... retired, grant, victory, ', arrested, junior, ... [(retired, 0.3550279140472412), (grant, 0.3524... rise, industry, troubles, new, involved, city,... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (industry, 0.2026... Salem, place, needs, thought, retired, filed, ... [(Salem, 0.8724534511566162), (place, 0.859767... retired, ., exactly, lost, able, place, arrest... [(retired, 0.5493535995483398), (., 0.50286048... retired, grant, victory, ', arrested, junior, ... [(retired, 0.3550279140472412), (grant, 0.3524... rise, industry, new, involved, city, attack, p... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (industry, 0.2026... sea, place, leaving, Mousie, Shafer, thought, ... [(sea, 0.8688021898269653), (place, 0.85976701... ., exactly, thick, lost, able, handsome, place... [(., 0.5028604865074158), (exactly, 0.46283581... ', shouted, Little, thick, ., neither, dark, p... [(', 0.3135108947753906), (shouted, 0.29099509... rise, new, thick, city, keeping, A-Z, circle, ... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (new, 0.190629467... sea, place, leaving, Mousie, Shafer, thought, ... [(sea, 0.8688021898269653), (place, 0.85976701... ., exactly, thick, lost, able, handsome, place... [(., 0.5028604865074158), (exactly, 0.46283581... ', shouted, Little, thick, ., neither, dark, p... [(', 0.3135108947753906), (shouted, 0.29099509... rise, new, thick, city, keeping, A-Z, circle, ... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (new, 0.190629467... sea, place, leaving, Mousie, Shafer, thought, ... [(sea, 0.8688021898269653), (place, 0.85976701... ., exactly, thick, lost, able, handsome, place... [(., 0.5028604865074158), (exactly, 0.46283581... ', shouted, Little, thick, ., neither, dark, p... [(', 0.3135108947753906), (shouted, 0.29099509... rise, new, thick, city, keeping, A-Z, circle, ... [(rise, 0.2157367765903473), (new, 0.190629467... sea, place, leaving, Mousie, Shafer, thought, ... [(sea, 0.8688021898269653), (place, 0.85976701... ., thick, lost, able, handsome, place, Carla, ... [(., 0.5028604865074158), (thick, 0.4468615651... ', shouted, thick, ., dark, proud, there, Evan... [(', 0.3135108947753906), (shouted, 0.29099509... new, thick, city, keeping, Evans, proved, case... [(new, 0.19062946736812592), (thick, 0.1740525...
615 yard 1 inch 1 inch

Evaluating using avg nDCG

wins=[1, 2, 5, 10]
vss=[10, 50, 100, 300]
# all possible model for news corpus
models = [f'{cat}_{win}_{vs}_S' for win in wins for vs in vss] 
# best W2vec model with news corpus
bestNewsWvecm, scoreBNewsWvecm = get_best_vec(top_n_df, models)


wins=[1, 2, 5, 10]
vss=[10, 50, 100, 300]
# all possible model for romance corpus
models=[f'{cat}_{win}_{vs}_S' for win in wins for vs in vss]
# best W2vec model with news corpus
bestRsWvecm, scoreBRsWvecm = get_best_vec(top_n_df, models)
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from w2vec_vec import topNw2vec
base_model = "/content/drive/MyDrive/modelsO"
model = Word2Vec.load(f"{base_model}/romance_w2vec_1_300.model")
topNw2vec('world', model)
('rise, new, thick, city, keeping, A-Z, circle, Evans, proved, case',
 [('rise', 0.2157367765903473),
  ('new', 0.19062946736812592),
  ('thick', 0.17405250668525696),
  ('city', 0.17155030369758606),
  ('keeping', 0.1680152863264084),
  ('A-Z', 0.1621820628643036),
  ('circle', 0.1556597203016281),
  ('Evans', 0.15071658790111542),
  ('proved', 0.1494939923286438),
  ('case', 0.14880725741386414)])


Final Comparision Graph

bestNewsWvecm, scoreBNewsWvecm = get_best_vec(top_n_df, models=[bestNewsWvecm, bestRsWvecm,'topN-TF-Nw-S', 'topN-TF-Rs-S'])
from tfidf_eval import plot_avgnDCG



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