Make the Space is an answer to that question. It’s a Google Chrome extension that transforms every new tab into a challenge to elevate the women around you.
The extension automatically appears when you open a new Chrome tab. It motivates 6 key actions for elevating other women:
- Think - reading topical articles, staying informed of the issues
- Tweet - speaking out, lifting up female voices
- Meet - gathering with other women, building community
- Evolve - taking daily action to notice and encourage women around us
- Donate - financially supporting organizations that expand female opportunity
- Apply - staying aware of the professional landscape, always striving for more
Make the Space is built on a decoupled architecture featuring:
- Rails API backend
- Javascript frontend
Rails API Backend
- Populates the database with carefully curated content via CSV parse
Javascript Frontend
- Passes data from backend to frontend using jQuery and Ajax
- Integrates with Twitter for one-click tweet sharing
- Renders a new color palette with every new tab open
- Styles the UI via bootstrap
Users can...
- See Make the Space appear whenever they open a new tab in Chrome
- Read a curated collection of articles focused on feminism, diversity, and inclusion
- Share quotes from admirable women to Twitter with one click
- Learn about local events geared towards women
- See tips for daily actions to take to elevate other women
- Donate to non-profit organizations that are doing great things for women
- Explore job boards that prioritize women's professional growth
- Enjoy a new custom color palette with each page refresh
Upcoming features:
- Integration with the Eventbrite API to auto-generate local events
- Integarion with Google News API for the most up-to-date news
Make the Space has an all-female developer team! We came together to participate in WomanHack SF 2017:
Denise Duffy | @duffydduffyd
Ginny Fahs | @ginnyfahs
Faye Hayes | @fhayes301
May Jawdat | @mayjawdat
Andrea Scott | @icedcoffeeallday
Vilde Vevatne | @vildevev