Releases: maykinmedia/mail-editor
Releases · maykinmedia/mail-editor
What's Changed
- Mixed: fix versions and updated test by @Bartvaderkin in #60
- Excluded tests from package, bumped version by @Bartvaderkin in #61
Full Changelog: 0.3.6...0.3.7
What's Changed
- Fixed issue with creating missing templates through the admin by @Bartvaderkin in #46
- Changed preview_form to extend from admin/change_form by @Bartvaderkin in #47
- Applied black, flake8 and isort, plus some code updates by @Bartvaderkin in #49
- Updated Django to 4.2 & package configuration from maykinmedia/default-app by @Bartvaderkin in #48
- Dropped ancient configuration files by @Bartvaderkin in #52
- [#51] Fixed testapp (see README for instructions) by @Bartvaderkin in #55
- Refactored, support datauris, upgraded tests by @Bartvaderkin in #56
- Removed mention of docs in readme by @Bartvaderkin in #59
Full Changelog: 0.3.5...0.3.6
What's Changed
- Split the MailTemplate .send_email() method by @Bartvaderkin in #18
- Develop to master by @Bartvaderkin in #19
- Merge develop by @SonnyBA in #20
- Allow object attributes by @SonnyBA in #21
- Update supported django version & add UNIQUE_LANGUAGE_TEMPLATES setting by @SonnyBA in #22
- Fix unique constraint by @SonnyBA in #23
- Update master branch by @annashamray in #25
- Generated missing migration by @Bartvaderkin in #28
- Fixed issue with settings.LANGUAGES of the using project being reflected in the migration state this third party library by @Bartvaderkin in #31
- Implemented preview mode by @Bartvaderkin in #36
- Replaced Node.js based CSS inliner with Python package 'css_inliner' by @Bartvaderkin in #38
- [#39] Replace ugettext/ugettext_lazy with gettext/gettext_lazy by @pi-sigma in #40
- Implemented HTML post-processor to attach external images as mail attachments, add missing host to link urls by @Bartvaderkin in #37
- [#42] Replace url with re_path and fix imports by @pi-sigma in #43
- Feature/mailpreview by @alextreme in #41
Full Changelog: