- Mayukh Bhowmick
- Rounak Hazra
- Abesh Biswas
- BeautifulSoap
- requests
- PIL (Python Imaging Library)
- Tkinter
It asks for movie name from the user along with release year (optional)
Using Public API, we fetch:
- Release Year
- Cast List
- Director Name
- Movie Title
url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=" + {api_key} + "&t=" + {Movie_Name} + "&y=" + {Release_Year} + "&plot=short"
response = requests.get(url)
movie_data = response.json()
From the cast list, top 5 cast are chosen and stored in a list : (cast_list = [ ])
For every actor/actress in cast_list variable:
- We check IMDB Ratings of at least 5 movies performed by that actor/actress.
- Store all the scores in list variable score.
- Extract best 3 scores from the score list and make an average
After average score of every cast has been acquired,
We choose the best 3 cast out of 5
Using the same above process, we fetch the average rating of director
best_actor_scores : list of average scores of best 3 cast out of 5
p = gd = ok = flop = 0
print('Average imdb score of best 3 chosen out of 5 actors : ')
for i in best_actor_scores:
print('%.2f' % i, end=" ")
if 7.8 <= i:
# p counts no. of good actors
p = p + 1
elif 7 < i < 7.8:
gd = gd + 1
elif 6 <= i <= 7:
# ok counts no. of average actors
ok = ok + 1
elif i < 6:
# flop counts no. of flop actors
flop = flop + 1
The above code is used to a keep a track of :
- No. of popular actors (p)
- No. of good actors (gd)
- No. of average actors (ok)
- No. of flop actors (flop)
This data helps us to judge the movie based on cast popularity
dp = dok = dflop = 0
i = director_avg
if 7 <= i:
dp = 1
elif 6 <= i < 7:
dok = 1
dflop = 1
The above code is for judging the popularity of director :
- Popular / Good Director (dp)
- Average Director (dok)
- Flop Director (dflop)
For IMDB Rating, Release Year, Director Name, movie title
- to extract cast list of the movie searched by the user
- To extract person_id and movie_id to get more info about them
- To extract the list of movies performed by a director
To extract the list of movies performed by an actor / actress
by webscraping IMDB website using BeautifulSoap