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LaTeX and ConTeXt writers: support lang attribute on divs and spans
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For LaTeX, also collect lang and dir attributes on spans and divs to set the lang,
otherlangs and dir variables if they aren’t set already. See jgm#895.
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mb21 committed Oct 17, 2015
1 parent e3a5abc commit e78442e
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 32 deletions.
43 changes: 27 additions & 16 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,17 +157,21 @@ blockToConTeXt (CodeBlock _ str) =
blockToConTeXt (RawBlock "context" str) = return $ text str <> blankline
blockToConTeXt (RawBlock _ _ ) = return empty
blockToConTeXt (Div (ident,_,kvs) bs) = do
contents <- blockListToConTeXt bs
let contents' = if null ident
then contents
else ("\\reference" <> brackets (text $ toLabel ident) <>
braces empty <> "%") $$ contents
let align dir = blankline <> "\\startalignment[" <> dir <> "]"
$$ contents' $$ "\\stopalignment" <> blankline
return $ case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> align "righttoleft"
Just "ltr" -> align "lefttoright"
_ -> contents'
let align dir txt = "\\startalignment[" <> dir <> "]" $$ txt $$ "\\stopalignment"
let wrapRef txt = if null ident
then txt
else ("\\reference" <> brackets (text $ toLabel ident) <>
braces empty <> "%") $$ txt
wrapDir = case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> align "righttoleft"
Just "ltr" -> align "lefttoright"
_ -> id
wrapLang txt = case lookup "lang" kvs of
Just lng -> "\\start\\language["
<> text (fromBcp47' lng) <> "]" $$ txt $$ "\\stop"
Nothing -> txt
wrapBlank txt = blankline <> txt <> blankline
fmap (wrapBlank . wrapLang . wrapDir . wrapRef) $ blockListToConTeXt bs
blockToConTeXt (BulletList lst) = do
contents <- mapM listItemToConTeXt lst
return $ ("\\startitemize" <> if isTightList lst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,11 +350,15 @@ inlineToConTeXt (Note contents) = do
else text "\\startbuffer " <> nest 2 contents' <>
text "\\stopbuffer\\footnote{\\getbuffer}"
inlineToConTeXt (Span (_,_,kvs) ils) = do
contents <- inlineListToConTeXt ils
return $ case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> braces $ "\\righttoleft " <> contents
Just "ltr" -> braces $ "\\lefttoright " <> contents
_ -> contents
let wrapDir txt = case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> braces $ "\\righttoleft " <> txt
Just "ltr" -> braces $ "\\lefttoright " <> txt
_ -> txt
wrapLang txt = case lookup "lang" kvs of
Just lng -> "\\start\\language[" <> text (fromBcp47' lng)
<> "]" <> txt <> "\\stop "
Nothing -> txt
fmap (wrapLang . wrapDir) $ inlineListToConTeXt ils

-- | Craft the section header, inserting the secton reference, if supplied.
sectionHeader :: Attr
Expand All @@ -377,6 +385,9 @@ sectionHeader (ident,classes,_) hdrLevel lst = do
then char '\\' <> chapter <> braces contents
else contents <> blankline

fromBcp47' :: String -> String
fromBcp47' = fromBcp47 . splitBy (=='-')

-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code
-- and irons out ConTeXt's exceptions
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98 changes: 82 additions & 16 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Templates
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Network.URI ( isURI, unEscapeString )
import Data.Aeson (object, (.=))
import Data.List ( (\\), isInfixOf, stripPrefix, intercalate, intersperse )
import Data.List ( (\\), isInfixOf, stripPrefix, intercalate, intersperse, nub, nubBy )
import Data.Char ( toLower, isPunctuation, isAscii, isLetter, isDigit, ord )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
st <- get
titleMeta <- stringToLaTeX TextString $ stringify $ docTitle meta
authorsMeta <- mapM (stringToLaTeX TextString . stringify) $ docAuthors meta
let docLangs = nub $ query (extract "lang") blocks
let context = defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents options) $
defField "toc-depth" (show (writerTOCDepth options -
if stBook st
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,18 +180,47 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
Biblatex -> defField "biblio-title" biblioTitle .
defField "biblatex" True
_ -> id) $
-- set lang to something so polyglossia/babel is included
defField "lang" (if null docLangs then ""::String else "en") $
defField "otherlangs" docLangs $
defField "dir" (if (null $ query (extract "dir") blocks)
then ""::String
else "ltr") $
let toPolyObj lang = object [ "name" .= T.pack name
, "options" .= T.pack opts ]
(name, opts) = toPolyglossia lang
let lang = maybe [] (splitBy (=='-')) $ getField "lang" context
otherlangs = maybe [] (map $ splitBy (=='-')) $ getField "otherlangs" context
let context' =
defField "babel-lang" (toBabel lang)
$ defField "babel-otherlangs" (map toBabel otherlangs)
$ defField "babel-newcommands" (concatMap (\(poly, babel) ->
-- \textspanish and \textgalician are already used by babel
-- save them as \oritext... and patch babel with them
(if poly `elem` ["spanish", "galician"]
then "\\usepackage{xpatch}\n" ++
"\\let\\oritext" ++ poly ++ "\\text" ++ poly ++ "\n" ++
"\\patchcmd\\extras" ++ poly ++
"{\\text" ++ poly ++ "}{\\oritext" ++ poly ++ "}{}{}\n" ++
"\\patchcmd\\noextras" ++ poly ++
"{\\text" ++ poly ++ "}{\\oritext" ++ poly ++ "}{}{}\n" ++
else "\\newcommand") ++
"{\\text" ++ poly ++ "}[2][]{\\foreignlanguage{"
++ babel ++ "}{#2}}\n" ++
"\\newenvironment{" ++ poly ++ "}[1]{\\begin{otherlanguage}{"
++ babel ++ "}}{\\end{otherlanguage}}\n" )
-- eliminate duplicates that have same polyglossia name
$ nubBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b)
-- find polyglossia and babel names of languages used in the document
$ map (\l ->
let lng = splitBy (=='-') l
in (fst $ toPolyglossia lng, toBabel lng) )
docLangs )
$ defField "polyglossia-lang" (toPolyObj lang)
$ defField "polyglossia-otherlangs"
(maybe [] (map $ toPolyObj . splitBy (=='-')) $
getField "otherlangs" context)
$ defField "polyglossia-otherlangs" (map toPolyObj otherlangs)
$ defField "latex-dir-rtl" (case (getField "dir" context)::Maybe String of
Just "rtl" -> True
_ -> False)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,15 +367,24 @@ blockToLaTeX (Div (identifier,classes,kvs) bs) = do
then empty
else "\\hyperdef{}" <> braces (text ref) <>
braces ("\\label" <> braces (text ref))
contents' <- blockListToLaTeX bs
let align dir = inCmd "begin" dir $$ contents' $$ inCmd "end" dir
let contents = case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> align "RTL"
Just "ltr" -> align "LTR"
_ -> contents'
if beamer && "notes" `elem` classes -- speaker notes
then return $ "\\note" <> braces contents
else return (linkAnchor $$ contents)
let align dir txt = inCmd "begin" dir $$ txt $$ inCmd "end" dir
let wrapDir = case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> align "RTL"
Just "ltr" -> align "LTR"
_ -> id
wrapLang txt = case lookup "lang" kvs of
Just lng -> let (l, o) = toPolyglossiaEnv lng
ops = if null o
then ""
else brackets $ text o
in inCmd "begin" (text l) <> ops
$$ blankline <> txt <> blankline
$$ inCmd "end" (text l)
Nothing -> txt
wrapNotes txt = if beamer && "notes" `elem` classes
then "\\note" <> braces txt -- speaker notes
else linkAnchor $$ txt
fmap (wrapDir . wrapLang . wrapNotes) $ blockListToLaTeX bs
blockToLaTeX (Plain lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX $ dropWhile isLineBreakOrSpace lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -756,9 +795,12 @@ inlineToLaTeX (Span (id',classes,kvs) ils) = do
(if noSmallCaps then inCmd "textnormal" else id) .
(if rtl then inCmd "RL" else id) .
(if ltr then inCmd "LR" else id) .
(if not (noEmph || noStrong || noSmallCaps || rtl || ltr)
then braces
else id)) `fmap` inlineListToLaTeX ils
(case lookup "lang" kvs of
Just lng -> let (l, o) = toPolyglossiaEnv lng
ops = if null o then "" else brackets (text o)
in \c -> char '\\' <> "text" <> text l <> ops <> braces c
Nothing -> id)
) `fmap` inlineListToLaTeX ils
inlineToLaTeX (Emph lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "emph"
inlineToLaTeX (Strong lst) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -999,6 +1041,30 @@ getListingsLanguage :: [String] -> Maybe String
getListingsLanguage [] = Nothing
getListingsLanguage (x:xs) = toListingsLanguage x <|> getListingsLanguage xs

-- Extract a key from divs and spans
extract :: String -> Block -> [String]
extract key (Div attr _) = lookKey key attr
extract key (Plain ils) = concatMap (extractInline key) ils
extract key (Para ils) = concatMap (extractInline key) ils
extract key (Header _ _ ils) = concatMap (extractInline key) ils
extract _ _ = []

-- Extract a key from spans
extractInline :: String -> Inline -> [String]
extractInline key (Span attr _) = lookKey key attr
extractInline _ _ = []

-- Look up a key in an attribute and give a list of its values
lookKey :: String -> Attr -> [String]
lookKey key (_,_,kvs) = maybe [] words $ lookup key kvs

-- In environments \Arabic instead of \arabic is used
toPolyglossiaEnv :: String -> (String, String)
toPolyglossiaEnv l =
case toPolyglossia $ (splitBy (=='-')) l of
("arabic", o) -> ("Arabic", o)
x -> x

-- Takes a list of the constituents of a BCP 47 language code and
-- converts it to a Polyglossia (language, options) tuple
Expand Down

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