DIR: /example-sim/js/example/view/ControlPanel.js
- Added new modules requires
- Altered signature to accept ParentNode and ModelViewTransform2 objects to simplify getting bounds and adding new elements.
- Added 2 new text button objects with listeners containing prescribed logic
- Added logic to reset function to remove elements
DIR: /example-sim/js/example/view/ExampleScreenView.js
- Passed proper variables to altered object constructors
DIR: /example-sim/example-sim-strings_en.json
- Updated with additional keys and text values
- Dockerfile to create a Node.js container, install the dependencies found in the development overview, copy the simulation sourecode, and run a simple http server
- make the development directory
$ mkdir phetsims && cd phetsims
2. clone all dependencies according to development overview (Note: I added query-string-machine as I was recieving 404 errors)
3. build the container (ensure the dockerfile is in the current directory)
$ docker build -t your-tag-name .
4. run the following command to access a terminal prompt in the guest container
$ docker run -it -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app your-image-name bash
- execute the npm and grunt commads in the /chipper and /example-sim or /simula-rasa directories
- `$ exit` the shell
5. finally, you should be able to run the container
$ docker run -d -p 32789:8080 -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app your-image-name
- removing the `-d` flag will print server reqests/responses to the screen
- replacing `-p 32789:8080` with `-P` with randomly assign a host port — user `$ docker ps` for running container info