scrape listner data from webradio server and store it in a DB
This project take, as input, a list of webradio, with the name, the server url and the type of stream, and it scrapes number of listner foreach webradio. Data are stored in a database.
It's suppose to run as cronjob each minute. Add this line to your cronjob. Type:
crontab -e
add this line (modify your path accordingly).
* * * * * php stats.php
Please add a config.json file at root level of your script, similar to this
"dbConfig": {
"servername": "<DB-HOST>",
"username": "<DB-USERNAME>",
"password": "<DB-PASSWORD>",
"dbname": "<DB-TABLE-FOR-LISTNER>"
"scheduleUrl":\"" //optional
"radios": {
"protocol": "shout",
"isMyRadio":true //optional, if scheduleUrl exists, we use this to save show infor
"protocol": "ice",
"position": 9