RaggedArrays.jl is an experimental package that tries to make a valid contiguous ragged (or jagged) array behave as normally as possible. The array "pretends" to have a size that spans the maximum extent of the ragged lengths, but accessing beyond a ragged length is a BoundsError. Specify the ragged dimension's sizes as an array argument to the constructor:
julia> R = RaggedArray(Int, [3,1,2,4], 4) # Varying column lengths
??x4 RaggedArrays.RaggedArray{Int64,2,1,1}:
4593457072 4590781776 4590781776 4590781776
4592320176 #undef 4590780624 4590780624
4592320176 #undef #undef 4590781776
#undef #undef #undef 13197973264
julia> [R[i]=i for i=eachindex(R)]; R
??x4 RaggedArrays.RaggedArray{Int64,2,1,1}:
1 4 5 7
2 #undef 6 8
3 #undef #undef 9
#undef #undef #undef 10
julia> R = RaggedArray(Int, 3, [3,1,2,4], 4); # Varying row lengths
[R[i]=i for i=eachindex(R)];
3x??x4 RaggedArrays.RaggedArray{Int64,3,2,1}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 4 7 #undef
2 5 8 #undef
3 6 9 #undef
[:, :, 2] =
10 #undef #undef #undef
11 #undef #undef #undef
12 #undef #undef #undef
[:, :, 3] =
13 16 #undef #undef
14 17 #undef #undef
15 18 #undef #undef
[:, :, 4] =
19 22 25 28
20 23 26 29
21 24 27 30
julia> R[1:3, 1:3, 1] # Indexing a non-ragged subsection returns an Array
3x3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
julia> R[2, :, 2:4] # Indexing with a : in the ragged dimension returns a RaggedArray
1x??x3 RaggedArrays.RaggedArray{Int64,3,2,1}:
[:, :, 1] =
11 #undef #undef #undef
[:, :, 2] =
14 17 #undef #undef
[:, :, 3] =
20 23 26 29
julia> R[2:3, :, 3] # But only if it spans more than one of the outer dimensions
2x2 Array{Int64,2}:
14 17
15 18
There is also a specialized RaggedRangeMatrix type that allows collections of ranges to behave like a ragged matrix. It depends upon RangeArrays.jl in order to return a rectangular RangeMatrix when possible:
julia> RR = RaggedRangeMatrix(1:3,3:6,7:12,-2:1)
??x4 RaggedArrays.RaggedRangeMatrix{Int64,Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}}:
1 3 7 -2
2 4 8 -1
3 5 9 0
#undef 6 10 1
#undef #undef 11 #undef
#undef #undef 12 #undef
julia> RR[1:3,2:4]
3x3 RangeArrays.RangeMatrix{Int64,Array{UnitRange{Int64},1}}:
3 7 -2
4 8 -1
5 9 0
julia> RR[:, 3]