A FuelPHP Auth driver package that extends SimpleAuth and integrates NinjAuth to provide
- Seemless social integrations for login and register
- User verification process for non 3rd party accounts via email, sms, or custom methods
- 'Invitation Only' block which will allow you to screen all registered users before granting them access
- Basic view scaffolding to quickly load in registration, login, forgot password, verification in process, and emails.
Basic usage is just like using Simple Auth.
Package dependencies:
- ninjauth
- oauth
- oauth2
Set InfusedAuth as your Auth driver like so in fuel/app/config/auth.php 'driver' => array('InfusedAuth\InfusedAuth'),
If you do not already have NinjAuth configured add a fuel/app/config/ninjauth.php and set the providers you want.
Database tables required Users sql coming soon...
Users_temp sql coming soon...
Authentications sql comming soon...
Login Auth::instance()->login($username_or_email='',$password=''); Auth::instance()->create_user();
- Set which fields show up in the registration view and login view
- Set view file locations for all views used (can also override in extended controller for theme support)
- Set social integration configuration options
- Set verification requirements, method and options
Create a controller that extends \InfusedAuth\Controller_InfusedAuth Create two models that extend \InfusedAuth\Model_User and \InfusedAuth\Model_Temp_User