The recommended way to install the bundle is through Composer.
$ composer require 'mbdax/microsoftgraphbundle:dev-master'
You have to configure your api:
client_id: "%client_id%"
client_secret: "%client_secret%"
redirect_uri: "name of your redirect route"
time_zone: "" # your prefered timezone default UTC
version: "" version of API GRAPH: #1.0 or beta, deafault 1.0
stateless: true # if false, the state will stored in session
scopes: # for more details
- openid
- offline_access
#- ...
// Get client service
$client= $this->get('microsoft_graph.client');
if you have a refresh token then the token will refresh
}catch(\Exception $ex){
// else
$client->redirect(); // redirect to office 365 authentication page
// Get calendar service
$calendar= $this->get('microsoft_graph.calendar');
//Get a collection of Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event
$startTime = new DateTime("first day of this month");
$endTime = new DateTime("first day of next month");
$events = $calendar->getEvents($startTime,$endTime);
//Get a Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event
$event= $calendar->getEvent($id);
// create Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event and set properties
$newEvent= new Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event();
$start= $calendar->getDateTimeTimeZone(new \DateTime('Now next minute'));
$end= $calendar->getDateTimeTimeZone(new \DateTime('Now next hour'));
$newEvent->setSubject('Controller Test Token');
$newEvent->setEnd( $end);
$event= $calendar->addEvent( $newEvent);
$updateEvent= new Microsoft\Graph\Model\Event();
$updateEvent->setSubject("I Forgot The Eggs!");
$event= $calendar->updateEvent( $updateEvent);
$response= $calendar->deleteEvent( $id);
dump($response->getStatus()==204?"Event deleted":$response);
Abstract Entities Documentation