A clojure library for laying out strings in table-like structures using a flexible layout language.
The latest release version of clj-string-layout is hosted on Clojars:
In your leiningen project.clj file:
[com.github.mbjarland/string-layout "1.0.2"]
in your deps.edn file:
{com.github.mbjarland/string-layout {:mvn/version "1.0.2"}}}
in your clojure source:
(require '[string-layout.core :as s])
[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[org.clojure/core.specs.alpha "0.2.62"]
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.3.218"]
[com.rpl/specter "1.1.4"]
[riddley "0.1.12"]
[instaparse "1.4.12"]
[nrepl "0.8.3" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
[org.nrepl/incomplete "0.1.0" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
First we define some sample string data:
(def data (str "Alice, why is\n"
"a raven like\n"
"a writing desk?"))
and now call string-layout to format this data using some sample layout configurations. Explanations for the layout configurations can be found further down in this document.
{:layout {:cols ["[L] [L] [L]"]}})
=> ["Alice, why is "
"a raven like "
"a writing desk?"]
{:layout {:cols ["│{ [C] │} [C] │" :apply-for [all-cols?]]
:rows [["┌{─[─]─┬}─[─]─┐" :apply-for first-row?]
["├{─[─]─┼}─[─]─┤" :apply-for interior-row?]
["└{─[─]─┴}─[─]─┘" :apply-for last-row?]]}})
"│ Alice, │ why │ is │"
"│ a │ raven │ like │"
"│ a │ writing │ desk? │"
Data right justified in an ascii box layout where we fill the layout to a specific width and allocate an equal amount of space to all columns:
{:width 50
:layout {:cols ["║{ [Rf] │} [Rf] ║" :apply-for [all-cols?]]
:rows [["╔{═[═f]═╤}═[═f]═╗" :apply-for first-row?]
["╟{─[─f]─┼}─[─f]─╢" :apply-for interior-row?]
["╚{═[═f]═╧}═[═f]═╝" :apply-for last-row?]]}})
"║ Alice, │ why │ is ║"
"║ a │ raven │ like ║"
"║ a │ writing │ desk? ║"
Data centered, markdown table headers centered, header data inserted, and column widths filled with equal distribution to the default 80 character width:
(str "header_1 header_2 header_3" \newline data)
{:layout {:cols ["|{ [Cf] |}" :apply-for [all-cols?]]
:rows [["|{:[-f]:|}" :apply-for second-row?]]}})
["| header_1 | header_2 | header_3 |"
"| Alice, | why | is |"
"| a | raven | like |"
"| a | writing | desk? |"]
{:layout {:cols [" <tr>{<td>[V]</td>}</tr>" :apply-for [all-cols?]]
:rows [["<table>" :apply-for first-row?]
["</table" :apply-for last-row?]]}})
" <tr><td>Alice,</td><td>why</td><td>is</td></tr>"
" <tr><td>a</td><td>raven</td><td>like</td></tr>"
" <tr><td>a</td><td>writing</td><td>desk?</td></tr>"
A layout configuration is a map containing a set of configuration options and layout strings for laying out columns and rows.
An example layout config:
(def full-layout-config
{:align-char \*
:fill-char \space
:word-split-char \space
:row-split-char \newline
:width 80
:raw? false
:layout {:cols ["+[L]+[L]+[L]+"]
:rows [["-[~]-[~]-[~]-" :apply-for all-rows?]]}})
using this to lay out our data from above gives us:
(layout data full-layout-config)
; +[L ]+[L ]+[L ]+
; ↓ ↓ ↓
["-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~-" ; ← 0 row layout
"-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~-" ; ← 1 row layout
"-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~-" ; ← 2 row layout
"-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~-"] ; ← 3 row layout
(with comments added for clarity)
The layout language used for the :cols
and :rows
expressions above will be explained in detail below, but first let's go through the other options:
- the widest word in a column defines the column width. All other words in that column will need to be aligned to the widest width.align-char
is the character used to pad words to the correct width. As an example, the word "a" in the above was padded toa****
- the layout engine is capable of "fill to width" functionality where the data is filled to a specific width (default 80 characters). Think of html tables where the table fills some specific width. This functionality is enabled by using thef
fill specifier in the:cols
layout strings. If any fills are detected, thenfill-char
is the default character used for the "fill to width" functionality. Note that for simplicity, no fill chars were used in the above example.word-split-char
- if in-data is specified as a string (see section on in-data), this character is used to split the string into "words".row-split-char
- if in-data is specified as a string (see section on in-data), this character is used to split the string into rows.
The layout language used by string-layout was inspired by MigLayout, a swing layout manager that back in another life saved me uncountable hours when building java swing user interfaces.
The grammar for the layout strings is defined using instaparse, an excellent clojure context-free grammar/parser builder. For reference, the complete grammar definition looks as follows:
(def grammar
"layout = delim? ((col | repeat) delim?)*
repeat = <'{'> delim? (col delim?)* <'}'>
delim = (fill | #'[^\\[\\]{}fF]+')+
fill = <'F'> (#'[\\d]+')?
col = <'['> fill? align fill? <']'>")
(def col-grammar (str grammar \newline
"align = ('L'|'C'|'R'|'V')"))
(def row-grammar (str grammar \newline
"align = #'[^]]'"))
as can be seen from this definition, the grammars for the col and row layouts have a lot in common and only differ in the "align" elements.
; ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
; ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────┐ ← 0
; │ Tables │ Are │ Cool │
; └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────┘ ← 1
String data can either be provided as a string where the word and line delimters are configurable (default to \space and \newline):
(def data (str "Alice, why is\n"
"a raven like\n"
"a writing desk?")
or for more fine grained control, as a vector of vectors of strings. The above could thus equally well have been provided as:
(def data [["Alice," "why" "is"]
["a" "raven" "like"]
["a" "writing" "desk?"]])
TODO: this section needs to be written.
Copyright © 2017 Matias Bjarland
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
- high level aim - general layout, not specific to any format
- parsing and normalizing of data
- layout-config syntax (width, word-split-char, etc)
- col layout syntax
- row layout syntax
- repeating groups
- fills
- predicates
- performance
- clojars release version
- prepackaged layouts