Tool for augmenting GTFS datasets with potential future transit routes and service frequencies.
Sample GTFS data provided is taken from the
Region of Waterloo Open Dataset,
while the sample.json
file is based on best-guesses of future
Rapid Transit and iXpress service with
Grand River Transit. -j jsonfile -g gtfsDir -o outputDir
where jsonfile
is a json file containing information about the stops and service frequencies of new routes,
is the directory where the GTFS dataset resides,
and outputDir
is the directory where the newly generated GTFS dataset is to be written.
Note that outputDir will be completely overwritten by this command.
"id": "LRT", // Route id
"type": "0", // GTFS route type 0=rail, 3=bus
"name": "Light Rail",
"trips": [
"headsign": "Conestoga Mall",
"schedule": [
"start": "5:30:00",
"headway": 900 // in seconds
"start": "6:30:00",
"headway": 450
"start": "7:00:00",
"headway": 450,
"factor": 1.05 // slowdown factor based on time of day
"start": "21:45:00",
"headway": 900,
"factor": 1
"start": "24:20:00" // end of service for day
"stops": [
"stop_id": "1046", // existing stop
"time_from_last": 0,
"cumulative_time": 0
"lat": "43.422459", // new stop requires name, lat, lon
"lon": "-80.462486",
"name": "Block Line",
"cumulative_time": 167, // cumulative_time and time_from_last are optional
"time_from_last": 167 // if not supplied, will be estimated via OpenMapquest
"stop_id": "3798",
"time_from_last": 246,
"cumulative_time": 2083
"headsign": "Fairview Park Mall", // opposite direction
"schedule": [
"stops": [