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Indigo · README

srinaldi-umass edited this page May 12, 2022 · 7 revisions


This is the readme for Indigo, the business process team.


  1. Download Node.js at
  2. Download Git at
  3. Clone the repository with git clone from the command line
  4. Navigate to the repository folder in the command line
  5. Navigate to the front-end folder from the root folder repository
  6. Run npm install from the command line to install dependencies, and wait for it to finish installing (This can take a while, especially on slower internet connections)

Components - Activity Table (/front-end/components/business-process/activity)

Activity Filter


  • Able to filter based on Business Domain, Severity
  • Business Domain Selector employs the code in /front-end/components/business-process/common/domain-selector-item.js and /front-end/components/business-process/common/domain-selector.js
  • Severity Filter and Checkboxes used employs the code in /front-end/components/business-process/common/severity-selector.js and /front-end/components/business-process/common/checkbox.js

Activity Table


  • Severity, Date Created, Business Domain, Application and Activity fields all have toggle headers, which can be sorted in ascending or descending order

Adjustable Frame


  • Allows the user to drag the top of the activity table up further in order to inspect the contents easier

Components - DatePicker (/front-end/components/business-process/common/date-picker.js)

  • DatePicker popper feature to let user select the date and time by clicking on calendar and clock entries in the popper
  • Parsing multiple formats of time
  • Time shortcuts ex: “-1h”

Components - Tree (/front-end/components/business-process/tree)

Context Menu


  • Drill down hierarchy with “Expand All Children” and “Collapse All Children”



  • Filter by Start Date and End Date (appropriate error states applied)


  • Launchpad
  • Date options: /indigo-dev/front-end/utils/business-process/date-options.js
  • Severity to modularize grid testing: indigo-dev/front-end/utils/business-process/severity.js

Launchpad installation UI documentation:

How to Run

  1. Navigate to the front-end folder from the root folder repository
  2. Run npm run dev from the command line
  3. Use your browser to go to http://localhost:3000 or whichever URL the command line gives

If anything doesn't work, try running npm update from the front-end folder to ensure that all of the dependencies are up to date.

Backlogged Issues

At the moment, we have no backlogged issues.