is a logger and set of monitoring tools in the written in F#
It is named after Samual Peeps
, the idea is it will log what your application is doing as it burns.
NOTE I now realise his name was Samuel Pepys
The are 3 main projects:
- The core logging library andILogger
- In-app Monitoring tools- LiveView - A live view of application logs served over
. - HealthChecks - A collection of standardized health checks.
- Monitoring agent - A monitoring agent that can be wrapped around requests to handled uncaught errors and collect metrics.
- LiveView - A live view of application logs served over
- A collection of tools for working with peeps data and end points.
contains a Sqlite
backed store for log items.
This uses an agent so should be a singleton.
Set Set up
section for examples of using the log store.
The store will create a database with the naming convention "{name}-{runId:N}.log"
in a [APPDATA]/log
Also the file .peeps_lock
will be created/overwritten with the name of the current lock.
Actions represent what the logger will do with items it receives.
They all share the same signature:
PeepsLogItem -> unit
The core library comes with 3:
writeToStore [LogStore]
httpPost [HttpClient] [url]
An example of implementing a write to file log action:
let writeToFile (path: string) (item: PeepsLogItem) = File.AppendAllText(path, $"{item}{Environment.NewLine}")
(will) contain:
(TODO - not implemented yet)- Current implement (from
- Current implement (from
let liveView (item: PeepsLogItem) =
let message =
({ Text = item.Message
From = item.From
Type = item.ItemType.Serialize()
DateTime = item.TimeUtc }: Actions.Message)
LiveView.sendMessageToSockets (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize message)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
The main logger can be used anywhere ILogger
would be used. There are version extensions for convince.
The best current example of setting up Peeps with giraffe
can be found in the Peeps.TestWebApi
let configureApp (app: IApplicationBuilder) =
// `UsePeepsMonitor` added first to wrap whole request pipeline.
// So it can capture metrics and handle unhandled expections (and report them).
// Adds live view (via websockets).
// Sets up standardized health check end points.
// Configure rest of application.
Example version v-0.3.0
let configureServices (store: LogStore) (services: IServiceCollection) =
// Adds the LogStore as singleton service.
// Used for storing metrics etc.
// Configure other services...
|> ignore
// Add peeps health check with max allocation of 5000000 bytes and 1000 minute run time.
// Will return unhealthy if either reached.
.AddPeepsHealthChecks(5000000L, 1000, store.StartedOn)
// Configure heath checks...
|> ignore
Example version v-0.3.0
let configureLogging (peepsCtx: PeepsContext) (logging: ILoggingBuilder) =
logging.ClearProviders() |> ignore
logging.AddPeeps(peepsCtx) |> ignore
Example version v-0.3.0
let startedOn = DateTime.UtcNow
let runId = Guid.NewGuid()
// Current in-place implementation for LiveView log action.
let liveView (item: PeepsLogItem) =
let message =
({ Text = item.Message
From = item.From
Type = item.ItemType.Serialize()
DateTime = item.TimeUtc }: Actions.Message)
LiveView.sendMessageToSockets (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize message)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
let logStore = LogStore(path, "test_api", runId, startedOn)
use client = new HttpClient()
let actions =
[ Actions.writeToConsole
Actions.writeToStore logStore
//Actions.httpPost client "http://localhost:5000/message"
// Set up the Peeps context.
let peepsCtx =
PeepsContext.Create(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Test", actions)
// This is for a web app, but similar princples would apply for other app types.
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(fun webHostBuilder ->
.ConfigureServices(configureServices logStore)
.ConfigureLogging(configureLogging peepsCtx)
|> ignore)
Example version v-0.3.0