released this
16 Jul 02:50
Minor Changes
Feat: migrate styling to tailwind: 55b7b29
Feat: merge resume repo: #266
Feat: add caching: ce92b48
New job @ remix!: #268
Chore(deps): bump to latest: a360ed2
Chore: update gitignore: fa8f2bf
Chore(deps): Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.20: #258
Chore(deps): Bump node-notifier from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1: #260
Chore: add link to resume: 85a9774
Chore(deps): Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8: #259
Chore(deps): Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4: #261
Chore(deps): Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21: #264
Update postcss to version 8.2.14: #263
Chore(deps): Bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1: #262
Chore(ResumePage): put company, position, and dates on 1 line for desktop: 9885018
Chore: run tsc during build, update prettier and eslint ignore: 0461e7b
Chore: add options to tsconfig: f8c6251
Feat: toy around with having component css as own file: 942db98
Chore(deps): bump to latest, replace basic framer motion animation with css animation: a7cb010
Chore: only animate when user allows it: 363b1ad
Chore: remove animation: b92f308
Chore: preload inter var: b3b0381
Chore(pm2): set default port: a9e4c35
Chore(deps): bump to latest: cda8464
Chore(deps): bump to latest, react 18 👻: d837b0f
Safe area: #267
Chore: update inter font: 6865d5d
Chore: set theme-color depending on prefers-color-scheme: 8b053e7
Chore: utilize new @types/web types for DOM: 3d86312
Chore: remove safari mask icon: aed97d4
Chore: update how react/next & react-dom/next types are referenced: aa56e3e
Feat: add custom plugin for flex gap: 381ab22
Chore: :sweat-smile: gotta love typescript and eslint sometimes: 4e8d56b
Chore(resume): add links to certs: af9433d
Chore: pull images from cloudinary: ab0d850
Chore(resume): update pdf: 0920fda
Chore(deps): bump react to latest v18 alpha: 1dcd4ed
Fix: get rid of the massive space under 'resume' link: 1120e66
Chore(entry.server): add security headers: 129706f
Chore(resume): dark mode tweaks: d694fdb
Chore: move Fathom setup to entry.client: 2f4201e
Feat: add a service worker: 09323b0
Chore: update caching: f37a59d
Chore: enable eslint cache: ca05e56
Chore(sw): remove sketch, webmanifest, and pdf from glob: f816126
Chore: enable incremental typechecking: b4c2942
Chore(deps): run audit: cb34dfe
Chore(deps): bump to latest: c39adfd
Chore: update resume pdf: 9c91f3e
Chore(deps): bump to latest: d4d5b28
You can’t perform that action at this time.