Releases: mcansh/vite-plugin-svg-sprite
Releases · mcansh/vite-plugin-svg-sprite
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [c8408c2]
- @mcansh/vite-plugin-svg-sprite@0.5.0
Minor Changes
- c8408c2: rename package to
rename plugin tosvgSprite
allow passing additional options to forward to svgstore
Patch Changes
f863ed9: remove import assertion as it breaks other tooling
instead just hardcode the plugin name
Patch Changes
- b67fd78: fix virtual module name
Patch Changes
- 41f7c0c: re-add virtual module support
Minor Changes
9507fa9: use vite's emitFile to emit consistent file to all builds
do some post build file transforms to replace the dev sprite name with the actual hashed sprite filename
sort icons before adding to sprite for consistent hashes
Minor Changes
- 9f2e3a5: copy common svg attributes to underlying symbol
- b4955f5: add svgo to minify sprite, re-add hashing to sprite.svg file name, adds a virtual moduel
that returns the sprite url for preloading, etc, adds client.d.ts file for virtual module
Patch Changes
- 4bf401b: check if output file has hash before attempting to replace
Minor Changes
- f1736bd: feat: remove sprite-[hash], hash symbol name using hasha
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.1.1