FCCAnalyses Public
Forked from HEP-FCC/FCCAnalysesFCC Physics Analyses using RDataFrame
C++ UpdatedAug 2, 2024 -
Phase2-L1MenuTools Public
Forked from artlbv/Phase2-L1MenuToolsThis repository contains the framework for the measurement of matching efficiencies, trigger turn-on curves, and scalings for the assessment of the physics performance of the CMS Phase-2 L1 Menu.
Python UpdatedApr 16, 2023 -
PlotsConfigurations Public
Forked from dermotmoran/PlotsConfigurationsPlots configuration for mkShape
Python UpdatedDec 21, 2020 -
CombineHarvester Public
Forked from cms-analysis/CombineHarvesterCMSSW package for the creation, editing and analysis of combine datacards and workspaces
C++ UpdatedJun 8, 2019 -
ExampleAnalysisExercise Public
Example analysis exercise, based on HMuTau generator studies
Python UpdatedApr 10, 2019 -
HL-HE-LHC-HiggsPhysics Public
Forked from MarumKado/HL-HE-LHC-HiggsPhysicsTeX Other UpdatedNov 14, 2018 -
FastPUPPI Public
Forked from p2l1pfp/FastPUPPICMSSW Analysis code for PF (ntuplizers, scripts, etc.)
C++ UpdatedAug 24, 2018 -
cmgtools-lite Public
Forked from CERN-PH-CMG/cmgtools-liteCMGTools as a subsystem, not as a CMSSW overlay
Python UpdatedMar 28, 2017 -
cmg-cmssw Public
Forked from CERN-PH-CMG/cmg-cmsswCERN CMG Tools repository. Installation instructions available on the twiki:
C++ UpdatedMar 28, 2017 -
FinalStateAnalysis Public
Forked from uwcms/FinalStateAnalysisCMS analysis framework
Python UpdatedMar 13, 2017 -
gem-daq-code Public
Forked from cms-gem-daq-project/gem-daq-codeRepository for GEM detector DAQ software
C++ UpdatedFeb 17, 2016 -
UWHiggs Public
Forked from uwcms/UWHiggsWisconsin CMS Group Higgs Analyses
Python UpdatedJan 17, 2016 -
UWTriggerTools Public
Forked from uwcms/UWTriggerToolsPlotting tools for UCT2015, removed from the main body of the UCT2015
Python UpdatedJul 10, 2015 -
patternTests Public
Forked from uwcms/patternTestsKira's code for generating RCT input/output patterns
C++ UpdatedFeb 9, 2015 -