Releases: mcer12/Flora-ESP8266
Releases · mcer12/Flora-ESP8266
5.1.2 release
- 12-hour format now shows 12:00 at midnight instead of 0:00
5.1.1 release
- added startup animation to IV12 version of the clock
- colon gradient adjusted to be brighter on edges for better color accuracy at low brightness
5.1 release
Maintenance release with mostly bugfixes.
- minor visual tweaks to the config portal
- fixed: sudden flash of the colon after succesfully connecting to wifi
- fixed: visible glitch when night mode is active
- fixed: colorpicker too large on mobile devices
- fixed: dots stuck animating when the clock is unable to connect to wifi
- added license information
- other minor changes
5.0 release
This was originally supposed to be 4.3 release but the changes are significant enough to warrant a bigger jump. This also means some bugs can be present so report if you encounter any! This release is a significant improvement and I highly recommend it.
NOTE: Since this is quite a major update, I suggest to make a clean flash. OTA should still work perfectly fine though.
- facelift of the config portal
- static html parts moved to flash to save some memory
- more reasonable default options presets (ip address is shown by default for example)
New features:
- diyHue support (see wiki)
- colorpicker for the colon color added to config portal
- brightness balancing added to config portal
- option to turn on / off clock remotely (see wiki)
4.2 release
- Proper captive portal
- Fixed animation stutter while connecting to wifi
- Added basic brightness balancing to counter burnout - more info below
- Added some more options to config portal
- Serial debug cleaned up
Attached OTA binary is compatible with previous versions.
If you have different levels of burnout among the tubes, you have to compile the sketch yourself and edit line 173 of FLORA_FIRMWARE.ino to fit your tubes. I might add this to the config portal in the future.