This project involved building a distributed file system with a range of functionality. This was my first Haskell project of such scale and I learned a lot along the way. I now feel far more equipped in the areas of distributed systems and functional programming.
I chose to implement the following functionalities:
- Distributed Transparent File Access
- Directory Server
- Locking Server
- Replication
- Caching
As an extra I also implented
- Configuration Server
Below I discuss in detail the inner workings of each part of the system.
Building & Running is discussed here.
In order for the system to be trully distributed, each server is its own self contained Haskell Stack project that can be built and run independently from the rest of the system. This prevents the system from having a single point of failure and is thus inherently distributed in nature. If any node fails for any reason, another can simply be spun into action, without affecting the system as a whole. This also allows for funcionality to be added easily and quickly, as the entire system is modular.
I have included a distributed-file-system.hsfiles in the source. This file is a stack template which generate the boiler plate for the server code that is used in each of the projects. This file allows for rapid and reliable development of further functionality.
The project was built with Servant. This is a fantastic tool for building type-safe Api's and I cannot recommend it enough. I have refactored out the code for each of the servers Api's into an Api Package (which in itself is a stack project). This allows the Api (ie. the functionality of the system) to be imported as a package from a GitHub repository and ensure a common Api accross all of the servers. The servers pull in the package from a certain commit, so therefore changes to the Api can be made and tested without affecting the current running of the system. This allows the servers to easily interact with eachothers endpoints.
Most importantly, the Api package provides simple a Haskell interface for interacting with the system.
I chose to use PostgreSQL with Persistent as my data store. These two tools used togther create a very smooth and reliable way to manage and maintain a database. The migrations are taken care behind the scenes with a few lines of code and PostgreSQL ensures that all my ACID requirements are satisfied. The use of these tools ensures that the system is persisted. When the system is shut-down and restarted the same information will remain available.
As mentioned above, I also chose to create a Configuration Server for managing the system as a whole. The location (host and port) of this server is stored in the Api package and is thus known to each of the other servers. The purpose of the Configuration Server is manage the network and help maintain the distributed nature. Rather than each server being pre-loaded with an arbritary configuration, on start-up each of the servers make a call to the Configuration Server which reponds with the relevant configuration.
Links to the source:
This is the most basic need of a distributed file system. I chose to implement a variant of the NFS file system. Clients have the ability to:
- List Files
- Create Files
- Read Files
- Write to Existing Files (exclusively)
- Create Directories
- Delete Files/Directories
As an example of how the functionality could be extended. I have provided a simple text editor for editing files with the client program. When the client chooses to write to a file, it is opened up in the text editor and on save, the file is sent for update.
The functionality of theis part of the system is really a combination of all the other servers and thus will be explained further in each seperate section. Therefore I will mainly discuss the operation of the file servers here.
Through the use of the locking server clients have unique access when writing a file (among other abilities discussed below).
Caching ensures that unnesecary transfers of large files do not take place.
The file servers (which store the files) can be viewed as somewhat dumb nodes.Their functionality is mostly managed by other servers. File servers simply provide endpoints for writing and reading files. For example, the logic behind their load balancing is managed elsewhere. This provides a light-weight, easy to manage node which can replicated numerous times and upon which the system does not heavily rely. The system was built with a layered approach.
When a file server comes online it must make itself known the the various directory servers. In order to do this the file server requests its configuration from the Configuration Server. The file server then places itself in a loop, constantly making calls to its designated file server(s) until it receives an acknowledgement, informing it that the directory server is aware of its presence.
Links to the source:
The interaction with this functionality is discussed in more detail in the Client section below.
The directory server keeps track of which files are are stored on which nodes. This allows a client to make a call for the listing of all available files. The directory server also keeps track of which file nodes are currently active. This ensures the server never sends a client the location of an unavailable node.
List Files
List all currently available files on the system.
New Files
Check whether the requested filepath is available
If the filepath is available, insert the new file and save it to the appropriate nodes (discussed in replication)
Writing Files
Update all of the appropriate file nodes.
Reading Files
Send the files location (on potentially numerous nodes).
Delete Files
Check whether the file exists
Propogate the deletion accross all nodes which store the file
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The system ensures that a client has exclusive access when writing a file by using a locking server to maintain a database of currently locked files. This prevents write conflicts from happening.
When a client requests write-access, behind the scenes the file is locked, it is also automatically unlocked upon the subsequent write.
To ensure a file is not locked indefintely, there is also a timeout. When a client first locks a file the timeout is started. If the lock is not renewed or released before the timeout, then the file will become available to the network again.
Aside from this there is a seperate locking functionality available. Clients can use this server to gain exclusive access to both files and directories outside of just a single write. This allows clients who are repeatedly working on the same files to lock these and ensure the they can only be edited by themselves. Of course there is also a timeout for this feature.
As an extended implementation I set up a FIFO queue within the locking server. When a client requests a file that is already locked they are added to a FIFO queue by the locking server. Access to the resource will be released through this FIFO queue. There is timeout implemented in which the user next in the queue must make an access to the file before they loose their place.
Links to the source:
In a distributed system it is to be assumed there will be downtime for certain nodes. To prevent this from causing issues to file access, the system implements replication of files. All files are stored to multiple nodes and this information is managed by the directory server. Load balancing of the file servers is also managed.
An implementation of the Least Recently Used algorithm maintains a balance accross the system. The directory server manages this by storing the information in a database and updating it with each write to the various file nodes.
When a client requests a file they receive a list of available nodes which contain the file. This information is temporarily stored by the client. The client then makes a request to one of theses nodes, if the node is down or takes too long to reply, the client simply tries another of the nodes.
In a distributed system caching is a difficult topic.
I chose to imlement two versions of caching, allowing the system administrator to make the choice that best fits their specific needs.
1. Client checks with server
This system takes the approach that clients will most likely be accessing the same, yet very large, files and therefore acts accordingly. The client is also designed to be light-weight, and thus has no endpoints of its own.
After creating a new file or writing to an existing, the client saves the files contents to the cache along with a time of write. A last-write field for every file is also maintained by the directory server.
Before a client requests a file from a file server checks its cache for the file. If the file is there, then the client simply asks the directory server whether its version is in date. The directory server responds appropriately.
This implementation allows the client to be an extremely light-weight service and prevents the unnesecary transfer of unaltered files.
2. Server informs the client
The system takes the viewpoint that the load on the directory server will be heavy and many clients will simply be reading rather than writing files.
In this approach to caching, the directory server maintains a list of clients who have cached files. When a write is made to a file, the server invalidates all of the clients caches. If a client is currently offline, then the server makes note, and notifies the client on startup.
This version requires a more cumbersome client side application. However, it can reduce load to the system as no requests are made to the system to check whether the cache is valid.
The functionality of the system can imported into projects through the provided Api package. An example of this package in action is found in the Client. This package displays all of the systems functionality.
Operation | Command |
List Files | ls |
Read File | read <file path> |
Create File | new <file name> <file path> |
Write File | write <file path> |
Delete File | delete <file path> |
Lock File | lock <file path> |
Unlock File | unlock <file path> |
Caching | Done behind the scenes |

Each server must be built using
stack build
Run the servers
stack exec <project name>-exe <port>
To run this locally, first fire up the servers in the following order:
- Configuration server
- Directory & Locking Servers
- File Servers
and finally the client
stack exec Client
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I did not get to fully implement authentication. I have left the code that I had so far written as an example of how I planned on proceeding. The system would have implmented a token based Api, with each client being assigned a token with a timeout parameter upon startup.