Based on kingshriek's tools (see upstream repos and
Thanks to his extensive work (, this repository targets the BGI / Ethornell 1.66 engine.
I recommend Notepad++.
- Download and install a Python 3.x release (x86 or x86-64 does not matter) from
In the setup wizard, make sure "pip" is installed -- it is enabled by default.
Open a Powershell command prompt (open Windows menu and type "powershell" then click on its icon). Powershell is included in all editions of Windows 7 through Windows 10.
Type (change "Python34" to match your local Python install):
cd C:\Python34\Scripts
.\pip.exe install polib
Then, close the command prompt.
- Obtain a copy of this code repository from Github. You may use the "Download ZIP" button as a convenience. Then, unzip the downloaded archive onto your computer and browse to that folder in Explorer.
The repository contains helper powershell scripts with a .ps1 file extension.
- R-click on _1-dumppo-all.ps1 and select Edit in the contextual menu. It will open the file either in Notepad, or in "Windows Powershell ISE."
- Modify the
$Python = "C:\Python34\python.exe"
line according to your Python location, then save. - Repeat the process for each .ps1 script.
(Note: ExtractData 1.20 produces corrupted files when extracting headerless BGI .arc's, do not use it)
- Copy the game archive data010.arc to "your local repo"
- Download and extract the latest binary release (= with .exe) of rr-'s arc_unpacker from
- Copy arc_unpacker.exe to "your local repo"
- Open a Powershell command prompt and change dir to "your local repo"
cd C:\EXTRACT\bgilab
- Extract all files with the following command:
.\arc_unpacker.exe --dec=bgi/arc data010.arc
- Rename the files to their correct extension:
cd data010~.arc
dir *.dat | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, "") }
move * ..
- R-click on and open with your text editor (Edit with Notepad++)
- You may review the settings. By default, the script will generate a PO Template when
slang = 'ja'
anddlang = ['ja']
anddcopy = True
- R-click on _1-dumppo-all.ps1 and select "Run with Powershell". If there are errors during the dumping process, you either hit a bug, scripts are malformed, or target a different BGI engine version.
- All files are extracted in a folder named after the
in (the "project folder"). There is a subfolder matching each script file, and they contain a "ja.pot" template.
If you need to dump a particular script in Powershell:
& "C:\Python34\python.exe" Scenario1234
Go back to in the text editor. Now set
dlang = ['en']
anddcopy = False
R-click on _1-dumppo-all.ps1 and select "Run with Powershell". All subfolders should now contain an "en.po" file.
R-click on _2-rebasepo-all.ps1 and select "Run with Powershell". This script should only be run once (it alters both *.pot and *.po files), lest you have to restart the whole step. A failsafe mechanism will prevent it from running several times.
There are plenty options here and it's a bit out of scope for this readme. The most prominent one for offline localization is [Poedit][1].
For web-based collaborative localization, I suggest installing the self-hosted [Weblate][2] software on a Python/Django webserver. It has a demo at
[1] [2]
- Edit and review the settings
- R-click on _3-dis-all.ps1 and select "Run with Powershell". A multitude of *.bsd shall be produced in the "project folder". You do not need to edit them.
- Edit and review the insertion settings
- Copy each updated *.po into its respective subfolder
- Edit _4-as-all.ps1 and change the
variable to match your "project folder" - R-click on _4-dis-all.ps1 and select "Run with Powershell". A "compiled" subfolder should appear in the "project folder", containing recompiled files (Scenario* files with no extension)
If you need to compile a particular script in Powershell:
& "C:\Python34\python.exe" project/Scenario1234.bsd
You may also copy the files in compiled/Scenario* directly besides the game executable.
TODO. You probably need to patch or hook the game executable to handle UTF8 (if Shift JIS is not sufficient), VFW and line breaks.