Guidelines You are free to use whatever language(s) for the MOSA Fall Hackathon 2024 Project, and there is no limit on the number or type(s) of framework(s) you will adopt. But you should keep all your code in a single GitHub org or repo, so that it will be better organised for the purposes of evaluation.
Project Summary
Please provide a short (one paragraph) summary of your project. Consider this your elevator pitch. Include the link to your Devpost project page here: (To be added: finalized Devpost site)
- Name - Devpost ID – Penn email - GitHub
- Name - Devpost ID – Penn email - GitHub
- Name - Devpost ID – Penn email - GitHub
- Name - Devpost ID – Penn email - GitHub
This section walks a prospective user through the process of installing and running the project on their local machine. The more detailed and the more accurate, the better. User-friendly instructions will entice prospective users (including judges) to engage more deeply with your project, which could improve your hackathon score.
What prerequisites must be installed in order to run your project, and how do you install them? Provide code samples in this fenced code block.
Give a step-by-step rundown of how to install your project.
State step 1.
Provide code samples in this fenced code block.
State step 2.
Provide code samples in this fenced code block.
Give a step-by-step rundown of how to use your project. Including screenshots in this section can be highly effective for highlighting specific features of your project.
State step 1.
Provide code samples in this fenced code block.
State step 2.
Provide code samples in this fenced code block.
Which frameworks, libraries, or other tools did you use to create your project?
Tool 1 - Description (e.g. "Web framework used")
Tool 2 - Description
Tool 3 - Description
Use anyone else's code? Inspired by a particular project? List / link here.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
If desired, add a section for your license. Reference sites like ( can help you choose which license meets your needs.
For example:
This package is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 GPL-3.