released this
20 Jul 19:28
Fixed segmentation fault on some distros when initializing libusb
Fixed segmentation faults when closing libusb on some distros
Changed how the driver reads config files:
Keybindings and functions no longer have a character limit
The config file no longer needs to have the same line count as the default file
The dial can now have as many functions as the user specifies
Buttons can now be defined in any order or can be removed from the file without causing any issues
Added the "dry" run command to display received data without triggering events
Cleaned up some of the messy code and removed the character limit when specifying custom config files
Added a level 1 debug output to list all the functions that the program got from the config file
Commented out the libusb _set_option function for debug use only
Fixed segmentation fault when calling libusb_set_option
Fixed minor spelling issues
Tested on Pop OS
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