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[D&D5e] Active Effects & Languages

Matheus Clemente edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 1 revision

How To


Set up the languages for Comprehend Languages and/or Tongues in the Polyglot module settings.


Effect for Comprehend Languages


Attribute Key: data.traits.languages.value Change Mode: Add Effect Value: comprehend languages (or whichever name you've chosen for it in lowercase).

Effect for Tongues


Attribute Key: data.traits.languages.value Change Mode: Add Effect Value: tongues (or whichever name you've chosen for it in lowercase).


Text on previously sent chat messages won't be unscrambled unless the player changes characters (e.g. clicks another character they Observe/Own) or refreshes the page.

Module Compatibility


DAE has a data.traits.languages.all value, which adds all the game's languages to a character. While that works out, its effect differs from the spells' texts, since Comprehend Languages only let's you understand, but not speak a language, and Tongues let's you understand and be understood, but not read a language.

I suggest you don't use that value since it's a bit different from the spells. image

⚠ Also, if you add the languages in the settings, you need to reload the game for them to show up on the dropdown menu because DAE only reads the game's languages at the start.


Dfred's Convenient Effects

Dfred's Convenient Effects has an effect for Comprehend Languages that uses DAE's implementation, I suggest you change it to this:
