A port of ThiefRL2, a 2016 7DRL (Seven Day Roguelike) challenge entry by James McNeill.
The original was written in C++ using OpenGL and Win32. This version is written in Javascript and Rust.
Explore mansions, steal all their loot, and get out without being caught by the guards.
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
Copy the resulting Webassembly file into the web-serving directory and change its name:
From: target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/thiefrl2_wasm.wasm
To: web/game.wasm
Run a web server from the web directory; for instance if Python is installed you can use
python -m http.server --directory web
I think Cargo has a web server like this as well but Python is the one I was familiar with.