Client component of WebSocket in Objective-C. It can communicate with websocket service without using UIWebView.
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://your_websocket_service_address"];
KWSConnection* conn = [[KWSConnection alloc] initWithURL:url];
// setup custom handlers
conn.onOpenHandler = ^BOOL(KWSConnection* conn) {
[conn.messageSender sendWithString:@"Hello"];
// return false if you want to close conn after message sent
return true;
conn.onMessageHandler = ^BOOL(KWSMessage* msg, KWSConnection* conn) {
NSString* msgStr = [msg newString];
NSLog(@"received msg: %@", msgStr);
// return false if you want to close conn after message received
return true;
conn.onClosedHandler = ^(void) {
NSLog(@"connection closed");
// you can do some works after any error occured
// conn will be closed automaticlly after your custom onErrorHandler performed
conn.onErrorHandler = ^(NSError* err) {
NSLog(@"onErrorHandler: %@", err);
conn.onTimeoutHandler = ^(void) {
NSLog(@"connection timeout");
// try to connect to service with a timeout value
[conn connectWithTimeout:10];
// run in RunLoop
[conn scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
// in your pod file
pod 'kiwi-objc', :git => ''
// command line
pod install