Simple Food menu project using React and Typescript for the front-end and SpringBoot for the backend, two separeted projects Dockerized.
You can see more detailed diagrams here
You should have Docker installed to run both projects and vscode if you wanna try DevContainer
There is a docker-compose-yml file responsible to up two project (front-end and backend)
git clone <repo_URL>
docker compose up -d
For development environment or specific details see the file in the sub-folders.
- React
- Typescript
- React Query
- Vite
- Axios
- Java 17
- SpringBoot
- Maven
- Postgres
- PgAdmin
- FlywayDB
- Docker
- DevContainer
- API Client Lite - VSCode plugin
Twitter: @mcostacurta
Linkedin: @mcostacurta
Based on c4model