C# library for handling KTX File Format. Only Version 1 is supported, so Version 2 is NOT supported.
Because KTX specs are public and I need something like this for my upcoming projects
- Get nuget, build .dll or include lib folder in your project
- Use following code example
using KtxSharp;
byte[] ktxBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("myImage.ktx");
KtxStructure ktxStructure = null;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ktxBytes))
ktxStructure = KtxLoader.LoadInput(ms);
Dotnet core 2.0 (or newer) environment
Move to lib folder and run
dotnet build
Move to lib folder and run
dotnet pack -o out --configuration Release --include-source --include-symbols
- nunit
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
All requirements are restored when you run
dotnet restore
Just call
dotnet test
- Basic KTX read functionality
- Some test cases
- KTX write support
- More files for testing
- Benchmarks
All code is released under "Do whatever you want" license aka Unlicense